The positives of being fat

Layla wrote:
Sammiii wrote:
In winter when all my friends are bitching about being really cold I handle it better muahahaa

haha oh sadly this isnt the case for me, i get wayy colder than I used to for some reason lol smiley

I agree with this, it seems to me that all the fat bits seem to get cold before anything else for me lol.
11 years

Everyone should read this!!

Derpy Hooves wrote:
Layla wrote:
4. Wear clothes that fit

no, wear whatever you want

Within the realm of clothes please. It should be noted that lettuce doesn't really work as clothing.


However i'm sure Layla could get away with wearing lettuce as clothing. smiley
11 years

Unsure how to approach bf...

Wow, seriously, I think what would help most of these issues would be if you were just honest with him, if you go on like this much longer it'll drive you insane!

Don't just dump it all on him at once, but don't try subtle hint's either, try it in stages.

Maybe first tell him you find bigger guys more attractive, than that you like to see guys eat and enjoy a lot of food, then that you like how he has gained weight, and finally how you wouldn't mind if he gained more.

Start general and gradually make it about him so as not to scare him off and take your time, you could do this over 1 week or over several.

Of course, the whole time be mindful of him and his responses, if you start getting negative reactions to certain things you say, you know where his line is.

Good Luck!
11 years

Nc female stuffing buddy!

wat wrote:
Look at all the guys looking for women to feed. You're only hurting your chances.

Wtf is that supposed to mean?

That she should just give up and make some horny guy happy even if she finds it creepy?

Everyone is free to do whatever they want with WHOEVER they want.
11 years

Is it just me?

Computersaysno wrote:
Never, ever say "Turn around". It's such a long song.

HA, yes! xD
12 years


Cheers Derpy. smiley
12 years

What's up? wassup?

sarahjuana wrote:
I get the same feeling of confusion when someone from the UK greets me with "alright?"
alright what? or, why wouldn't I be alright? what? :o

Ha, i've noticed this too, as well as "you ok?" I'm like "should i not be?" :S
12 years


Wow, thank you all so much for all your wonderful responses!

Once again i'm reminded why this site is my favourite online community, everyone is so awesome! smiley
12 years