Looking for an editor

It's been mentioned that stories that have editors often flow a lot better and make the plot easier to follow. However, I don't know really how to edit my stories. In all the years I've done NaNo's I have never edited any of them. My stories on here are really meant for the niche market of a small group of readers, I doubt I would ever publish any of them. I haven't a job in three years so I can't pay anyone to edit my stories.

I was wondering if there is anyone on here who would do editing for me even if it's just as a hobby for them.

Thank you for any replies I get.

I can help you with that. PM me what youre looking for (grammar, punctuation, expansion ideas, etc) and we can talk. I am not a hobbyist though, I have a degree in English that I'm still paying for.
4 years

Does quitting smoking make you gain weight?

Well, try to switch to vaping first. It can help you to quit smoking for good. For example, buy Sea Stix and you will never smoke cigarettes again. Based on my personal experience, it's one of the best ways to stop smoking, it really works.

It also can kill you in about 2-5 years. Vaping is the worst thing to try to replace with, it's a worse delivery system than tobacco. Get gum or a patch if you need the nicotine.
4 years

Long distance relationship turned me into my own feedee

Does not being in a relationship make me my own feedee? Or my own feeder? Now I'm confused lol
4 years

Partner on diet. help?

Anybody know how to not be upset when your SO is trying to lose weight?

I am trying to be as supportive as I can, but it honestly pisses me off. It's not a control thing so much as a "why do you want to strain our relationship unnecessarily" kind of thing.

If her doing as she pleases with her body pisses you off or strains your relationship you clearly don't love her. If you did you'd want her to be happy. It sounds like you're more focused on you being happy. I think you should consider finding someone else.
4 years

Accidentally gained 30lbs

That's ridiculously hot.
4 years

Seeking female encourager/feeder in upstate ny

I've been trying to gain for about a year, I yo-yo a lot and would like to find a woman to keep me company and keep me on my game.
4 years

New york stuffing party

Alright seems like a few are interested.
So let’s make some plans. What area would be in the middle for most people? I’ll travel wherever in NY.

What about somewhere like Poughkeepsie? Still easy for NYC people to get to by train, and those of us upstate or in elsewhere in the northeast can avoid the traffic/prices of the city.

I love the Poughkeepsie idea, hate the city/Jersey traffic nonsense. If it's there I'm in....and hungry!
4 years

Hungry even when physically full?

You're becoming a gluttonous pig with a larger hunger and capacity.
4 years

Looking for lesbians in the northeast us

Looking for friends and maybe more into this in the Eastern NY and greater northeast. The guys are great to chat with but I want something real. Is there anybody out there?
4 years