Fair feederism economics

Hello! Me again!
I'd like to ask both male and female feeders and fat admirers this question.

I saw on reddit a post of an ffa lady saying that she seems to primarily attract broke men. She explains that she doesn't want to be used for discount services or housing. She wants somebody who will like her.

Im really curious, what's your experience on this, if you have any? And what is your take on this topic?

Reddit post (for source!):
1 year

First out of control moment

I have moments like this as well! Altho they might not be as extreme as anyone else's. But what i see happening is that when I'm in college, i always go qnd eat gyros. Not at all because i might be hungry, but because I'm litteraly horny in the moment and want to get fat! And like 4 hours later I'll feel guilty about it but it'll be too late! However i will just repeat it next day!
1 year

Fatphobic and made a joke of yet still felt strong and confident

Morbidly A Beast:
I had to take my shirt off in order for a doctor to get my blood pressure because the shirt was messing with the results, I got it off and she laughed at me and looked at my chest and she looked down at hers and she said i was “giving her a run for her money” meaning my moobs were bigger than her pretty large breasts on her skinny body. She asked some questions about my diet and how much exercise I get and if I had experienced any sudden changes in my body and when I said I had gained 100 pounds since august she audibility gasped and went on spiel about diet and exercise wanting to be fit etc then she asked if I was interested in seeing a dietician and I point blank said no so she went on this Lil thing about how I’m still young and that I am so handsome but my weight was jeprodizing it. I never felt so validated in my fatness and liberated for defending myself and offended at the same time. She tried to get me in for a sleep test but I was like nah. I really wanna shop around for fat accepting doctors if that’s a thing

Oh im curious now, how close were you to legit describe to her what is feederism? Like, not necessarily say the word, maybe not even talk about it as a kink, but even just say something along the lines of "I know im fat and that's part of the plan"
Were you close to that? Or it didn't even cross your mind? 🤔
1 year

I need advice on a story!

For some context: Im writing a story, set in an ancient / fantasy / utopian theme about an Amazonian warrior woman who finds a poor guy, and she feels sorry for him. She brings him under her roof and cares for him. Eventually they get to love each other, learn about their fantasies and then it gets very sexual!

So, my problem is that i want the woman to be simultaneously very dominant and very tender and caring for him! In other words i want her to dominate him, fattening him up to an extreme, but somehow, while remaining extremely dominant over him, she does care for him!
In other words, she genuinely is above him, but she also genuinely cares for him! Idk how else to describe it! I guess if im not clear here I could elaborate some more in the comments!

Anyways, are there any ideas you might have on how to make that woman's personality so that she does what i described?
1 year

Muscular or chubby feeders?

Im personally attracted more, to muscular feeder ladies because i love the power dynamics of it, so it also has to do with sub / dom.

Whats your take?
1 year

Let's see: do any of you play games?

I do! Mostly PC games. Roguelikes, strategy games, soulslikes, Dota, and Apex occupy most of my playtime. Love coop games too though, and factory games are addicting to me.

EDIT: I like to think about game design a lot too, and someday I'd like to try my hand at programming one. I think it'd be a lot easier to motivate to continue if it were a feedism game, and ideas for those swim around in my head from time to time.

We could definitely make a game then! If you learn programming. Im studying Game art and animation!

I'll keep the offer in mind smiley

I actually program for my job, so I hope I know how to program already! In all seriousness, though, I have a lot to learn, and the kind of programming I do is very different from the kind used in user applications.

But programming for a living does drain my motivation to code in my leisure time; hopefully as I get treatment for my (suspected) ADHD my motivation to do creative things like write or make games will improve.

You should check out WeightGaming if you aren't on there already; they host many game jams and discussions about feederism in gaming.

I do know some very basic stuff in C# for Unity, entirely self taught, so nothing well structured but i guess i can explain how it works for a beginner! Altho i don't have the most pleasant memories from coding myself, i prefer to keep my fingers a bit clean from it 😂
1 year

Let's see: do any of you play games?

I do! Mostly PC games. Roguelikes, strategy games, soulslikes, Dota, and Apex occupy most of my playtime. Love coop games too though, and factory games are addicting to me.

EDIT: I like to think about game design a lot too, and someday I'd like to try my hand at programming one. I think it'd be a lot easier to motivate to continue if it were a feedism game, and ideas for those swim around in my head from time to time.

We could definitely make a game then! If you learn programming. Im studying Game art and animation!
1 year

Is this reasonable? an explanation of how i'm looking for noone

I strongly agree with a chunk of what you're saying here. I think that it whould be very unhealthy to have an absolute devotion to any one person. However we're not talking about the same thing i belive. Your point of view feels especially individualized. I'm not in that page. I think that love *could* be the driving force of humanity (people think that "it doesn't work"smiley And for me, love is not only between two individuals, altho what you feel there IS love! But love is also what pushes us to do good things and most importantly, take care of other people.

What i disagree strongly with is self-love. In my judgement it's apsolutely toxic and it's a product of what i tried to explain in my previous reply. I won't follow it one bit, however that doesn't mean that everything is fine, quite the opposite. If everything was fine there whould be no space for self-love to be useful for.

We live in a dystopia. The worst one we've ever come up with.

I'll admit to an individualist bias. I was raised in the US and many of my greatest role models, philosophical exposures, and pup culture obsessions espouse individualist themes.

Still, I think I understand what kind of society you idealize. One where charity to strangers is common and born out of love for fellow humans, and is given without consideration of compensation. I truly hope such a world can come about in our lifetimes; I simply think that the path to it requires a bit of self-love.

Humans are a social species, yes, but those instincts are born of an extended sense of self-preservation. We value others' lives and company because they enrich and enable us to thrive ourselves.

When we exercise self-love, I believe we exercise empathy. By valuing ourselves, we provide a reference for how we should value others. By appreciating and seeking joy for our own sake, we know the joy of receiving kindness and charity from others. This awareness can provide the fulfillment needed to sustain a culture of compassion and charity. In a world where no one wanted anything for themselves, there would be no point to giving gifts to others, of showing compassion to others, of providing company to others. A sacrifice only has value if that which is given up has value.

Though I am no longer religious, I was raised Catholic, and one aspect of it has resonated with me through my entire life: "Love others as you love yourself." It is an admission to our inherent needs and desires as individual organisms while simultaneously being a reminder of the existence of those needs and desires in others. A call to compassion born of self-love.

The dystopia comes when people forget to consider the inner lives of others, their innermost passions and fears, their wants and needs. Or it comes from demanding more from others than they can give, to act not out of self-love, but out of selfishness.

I think there is a difference between self-love and selfishness. Self-love affords us the same charities we should direct to others. Selfishness callously deprives others of those charities. Self-love is a candle; it illuminates itself the most brightly, but still extends that light and warmth to its surroundings, and can provide a spark for other candles. Selfishness is a fire burning out of control, consuming everything around it until it chokes or starves from its own greed.

It is not selfishness to deprive a tiger of its meal by fleeing from it. Nor is it selfishness to prevent other human beings from harming or exploiting us simply because it would benefit them. Nor is it selfishness to admit when we are at our limits. There is nuance to the world, and our priorities, necessitated by the scarcity of time and resources, which means we cannot only ever give. At the very least, sacrificing ourselves to too great a degree will leave us too spent to provide for future obligations, too depleted for further compassion. A father could not give away all his possessions and belongings to a stranger without potentially depriving his own children.

There is no utopia in absolutism, except perhaps for absolute plentitude. Seeing as we do not live in such a Paradise, we must exercise moderation. Self-love is important. As is compassion. As is acting on our priorities. As is love for all people. These must be balanced. And no one can dictate that balance for others. Only for themselves.

Okay first of all, that's a brilliant answer! Thank you for spending the time to write it, i appreciate it a lot!
Your point is as clear as glass.

I should also say that i heavily lean towards the socialist ideology and it's biases.

I mostly agree with what you write anyway but i think this is better when other people are doing it for you. That's when you feel gratitude. And i think that our current way of living, is not letting this happen, so we resort to attempt to do this, each on our own. I don't like it since it's not natural. But
1 year

Is this reasonable? an explanation of how i'm looking for noone

Oh, Enas. All these words, and I'm not convinced you truly understand what you're saying.

Munchies, im not saying stuff to convince people that i trully understand something. That's not the goal. The goal is to expose people into a different school of thought. If anything i write doesn't make sense to you maybe it's because i cant communicate what i have in mind well. Im not writing it down well enough. If you think that's the case, please tell me what's not clear so i can try to write it in a different way!
1 year