Weight requirements to be a bbw?

Labels are so subjective.

One person might classify themselves as a BBW, but all three words in the acronym are open for discussion.

If I was a woman with a BMI over 30, but I felt horribly unattractive, then I might not define myself as a BBW.

If I felt fabulously attractive and identify as a female, I might define myself as a BBW but others might disagree with me.

If I was athletically built and very tall, and consider myself attractive but my BMI was less than 25, I might not call myself a BBW but others who look at me might define me this way.


While we're on this topic, I see some people using a scale-based number in pounds like "220" or ""600" to classify BBW. While I think that weight itself could be a factor considered in classifying someone - a scale number as sole determinant seems so arbitrary.

I understand how we might use this to start our discussion on classification, but I always get the ick when we use a scale number to exclusively define terms like "fat", "big", or "chubby". Am I alone on this?
10 months

Lost a friend...kinda

You might be correctly intuiting that this person is having a down point in their job, in life, or for some specific reason.

However, it sounds like your interactions with them are transactional - maybe some quick small talk during your food order?

Unless you've said something upsetting or have acted in a way that might make them defensive, I'd be willing to bet that their change has nothing to do with you.

I wouldn't take it personally.
10 months

Imagine one shop

The "One Stop Shoppe" would be awesome - and I'll add that in this fantasy, I'd love it if this place could stock things that I like that are no longer available.

My favorite candy of all time is Jolly Rancher Jolly Jellies - they were Jolly Rancher candy-flavored gummi chews that were coated in a granular sugar (like the Haribo Gummi Peaches). I know it might not be great for blood sugar and insulin levels, but I could crush a whole large bag of those things and enjoy every single crunchy sweet bite from start to finish.

My magic store would resurrect foods like this and other things that I've forgotten about.

They'd also stock new stuff that I haven't tried yet as a way to expose me to new foods that I would love. Maybe there would be a section of "Things that we know you'll love" that I could browse?

Lastly, their overhead music would be my favorite hits so that I could sing, hum, whistle, and generally bop.along to my jams while I was strolling the aisles.
10 months

Moment you realized that feederism was for you

I've always had a preference for fat people, since I was very little.

I express my love for someone by feeding and nurturing; when my first girlfriend started gaining weight after my constant supply of sweets, snacks, and baked creations - I was hooked.
10 months

Fat nurses

Thanks for the advice! I'm trying/starting to walk more and further distances to try and prepare myself for what is to come in the future of constantly moving and being on my feet all day.

No problem - nurses are incredible people!

Invest in some great shoes, too - some nurses swear by Cloves. They are really comfortable and are highly water and sharps resistant. They're pricey, but a good investment for all of the daily use that you'll get out of them.
10 months

Fat nurses

Having worked in a hospital for a decade, I would agree that there are a greater percentage of overweight RNs than in other jobs and organizations that I have experience with. I agree that the stress of the job is very high for many RNs - they tend to be frequently understaffed (at least in the USA) due to private equity firm choices to cut cost in order to drive up profit; as such, they can often be overworked in their 12 hour shifts.

There is a lot of stress, too, depending on their therapeutic area - pediatrics (children), oncology (cancer), and geriatrics (the elderly) are prone to higher-than-normal death rates for patients, and Emergency Room and Intensive Care Units have high levels of trauma that nurses work with every day.

Combine this with night shift or alternating shift hours, and you have a recipe for irregular eating cycles.

Now... most nurses would tell you that wearing "scrubs" (looser-fitting uniforms) is one of the reasons why weight gain is easy to miss - elastic waist pants and boxy tops tend to disguise a blossoming pot belly or other weight gain. And it only takes one work colleague who shows nurturing via cooking or baking to.bring a regular source of higher calories to the nurse station.

It was something I noticed constantly during work hours, but honestly? I was more honored and amazed by their dedication to helping patients and family members than their weight gain. I would ALWAYS try to bring food to the units, but it was usually just because I think nurses are mostly incredible human beings. (Yes there are some bad nurses who shouldn't be in the profession, but on the whole - they rock.)

Good luck with your nursing career! Yes, you will need to be careful of your back and your feet, and take better care of your physical self to.meet the demand of the job. But you should still be able to plump up a bit without any difficulty.

Thank you for working in such a great and important job!
10 months

How to meet people online when you're an introvert

In my experience, this forum (and any other forum!) is NOT representing a proportional, REAL LIFE crowd of people with this specific interest!
So online, there is a disproprtionate amount of people that have smaller or bigger issues when attempting to communicting in real life, people that have various degrees of Aspergers/autism, people that have some characteristics that make them less pleasant or easygoing face to face.

That is NOT a criticism!
It just means that have a positive, pleasant, inviting and attractive appearance and mentality have less need for, and reason to spend much time online, at least in the attempt to find peers.

The feedism community might be slightly different due to how rare this preference is, but I think there are enough (male) feeders in the general population for fatter people (women) to realize that there definitely are men that admire them.
So, even as feeder/feedee, you MIGHT find potential partners in person, without exploring the net.

On the other hand, if you want to discuss, "compare notes", and ask questions, you might have to resort to finding like minded people online. I am middle aged, but cannot say I have had any meaningful face to face, in the room, discussion with anyone around the feederism topic. (Which is a sad notion to make.)

What am I saying? Do present yourself and your ideas honestly, but be prepared for not getting quite the responses you would get in a face to face meeting!
I wish you all (and myself!) the best of luck in these interactions, as we seem to need it!
And for those that (actually!) have the honor of beeing approached in a serious way, have the decency and reply in a polite (but also honest!) manner.
There is enough suffering and loneliness going on already in the feederism world as it is, but we can make life better for the people we interact with here.

Thanks for your reply! I think a little of what you are trying to say is lost in translation - my guess is that English is a second language for you (thank you for making the effort of a written post in English!), but my overall impression is that you are saying:

1. Online communities are different than face-to-face interactions, and might include a greater percentage of people for whom communication might be a challenge
2. It is already rare to find in-person opportunities to discuss feederism in a positive and non-judgemental way, so please be kind to each other online.

Hope I got it right! smiley
10 months

Calming nerves around first feedist experience

Definitely agree, and thanks for the tips! This is more our speed, as I'm into the sensual/sweet side of feedism and my partner doesn't want to endlessly gain. I'll dig around on the old forums too - I realize there's probably already other threads about "soft" feeding ideas.

A good idea. The forums have been filled with people wanting to min-max their gains and explore their darkest desires. It's not bad perse, but we need some more kink diversity.

Wow, you're right...there's practically nothing out there, and the only ones I found ended after like 2-3 posts. I guess it's just not the kind of thing people need FF for.

Personally, I think we can use more fluffy kink. I think FF should feel as welcoming a place to gentle feedism as it is more extreme feedism. And if you are one of those people, all the better.

Love the term "fluffy kink", and I kind of see what you are going for, but how would you define it? Long, slow, nurturing gain? No forced feeding?
11 months

Calming nerves around first feedist experience

I guess I was also hoping for advice from anyone who's had experience with this kind of situation? I'm still feeling kind of shy about actually initiating anything even after our discussion went so well because I'm still concerned about what he might think of me. Ideas that might be enjoyable to try as a start with partners who don't already have a fat kink but are open to being fed would be awesome.

Easiest thing to do is make a big meal and encourage him to be as greedy as he likes. Let him control the pace and intensity. Then help him to the conch for cuddles, a movie of his choice, and belly rubs. Maybe some dessert when/if he's feeling up to it.

This sounds absolutely perfect, and a great way to break things in. I'm actually jealous!
11 months

How to meet people online when you're an introvert

Morbidly A Beast:
The forum can be a good place as it is limited by input and you’re not put on the spot in the same way a one on one conversation would be. Stick to topics that interest you.

Thanks for the advice! I am definitely a forums type of visitor.
11 months