One interesting fact

Well I was the Surrey under 18 chess champion in 1980. If you don't think that's interesting enough, there was something my wife said about me when we made love, that was unusual, though not unique as far as I know. I will let you try and guess what that is, as if I said what it was, it would sound like boasting.
12 years

John lewis ad

Randomer wrote:
Really don't like this cover. There's no emotion in it.
I look like an obsessive fan, I'm not really smiley
I don't like cover versions of The Smiths either, no one yet has got anywhere near the right feeling behind Morrisey's lyrics. The only 2 people I could imagine doing The Smiths songs justice would be Jarvis Cocker and Brett Anderson, because they really understand the lyrics.
12 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

I look pissed in most of these, which is ironic really as I was driving home I didn't have anything to drink after after 11pm and I only had 2 pints of cider in the first place. Maybe my default look is that of a drunken Irish poser.
12 years

Do fa's make better bfs?

Murphy wrote:
Sumochickfan wrote:
I agree the only thing though is they can cheat on a fatter woman then you. But I'm a 1 woman kinda guy.

It's nice that you're the exception to the rule with all those FAs who will gladly ditch their current partner for someone fatter. Lord knows that we can't control our urges and sexual desires, and won't be satisfied until we've attained the golden throne of sexing the fattest women in the world. I commend you on rising above this primal instinct.
Watch out, or you'll become a bigger cynic than me. Personally my dick says I love fat girls, but what they do with their body is up to them. Reality says anyone who will allow me is fair game LOL. I do have standards, but at my age you really can't be too picky. Would I make a better boyfriend because I'm an FA, doubt it, but I might make a better lover.
12 years

Are feedees disposable?

I think Ninja Sammich, put it best, saying that we break up for all different kinds of reasons. In many cases just gradually growing apart, to the point where you have very little left in common. Very often the case when people get married too young, or the relationship was based very much on great sex only.

The desire to get a relationship where everything is hearts and flowers for a very long time and meeting that perfect person doesn't help either. Sometimes we jump in as the person seems our ideal and it turns out they are nowhere near, because we were desperate to have a long term relationship at the time. Other times we are too cautious, when indeed the person who has many of the qualities we were really looking for, but were too scared to commit fully does arrive. We feel we were not ready and let a better relationship slip passed us.

Blame it on idealism, romance or lust, but whatever the reason, it's basically bad choosing in a lot of cases, but I really don't think it has too much to do with whether the person is an FA/Feeder, or Feedee. Someone who doesn't care for you when you have reached your goal wouldn't have cared for you anyway. They are just the charmers who would pull the plug on anyone, once they got bored with them.
12 years

Sopa pipa

What a surprise he's a Republican.
12 years

Sopa pipa

It makes me laugh with agony that one of it's biggest supporters is Rupert Murdoch. This loathsome creature really is the bad guy in "Tomorrow Never Dies". A bill like this would give meglomaniacs like him more power and influence than they already have. I can't think of anyone in the general public that thinks this a good idea, it's the modern day equivilent of the Nazi's burning books.
12 years

Name me your good points

I'm too modest to write several pages of my attributes.
12 years

Do fa's make better bfs?

Layla wrote:
I don't know if FAs would make better boyfriends and I might not ever because I think you're right there is a difference between FAs and feeders and I am really only interested in the latter.
There is nothing I would love better than to be your feeder, however, you live the other side of the world and I'm guessing I'm just a tad too old for you.
12 years

Keirsey personality test

Only just found this, came out as Rational, which was what I would have expected. That I play chess and poker competatively and analyse most things to death, this was hardly a surprise. Didn't want to spend the extra $15, but I am pretty sure that Rational-Architect fits best.

I did find some of the questions rather vague and difficault to answer, such as: Does interacting with strangers
( ) tax your reserves
( ) energise you
If it's just small talk then that is just boring and would clearly tax me, however, if the interaction is of importance, or interesting in the personal, or detail, then clearly for me it energises. There were many questions like that, that seemed to me not specific enough. However, as I am clearly over analysing again the test clearly had me pinpointed.
12 years