Gainer appetite changes

For those who have gained, what changes have you noticed in your appetite have you noticed as you've gotten bigger?

1. You can eat more than you used to.
2. You NEED to eat more than you used to.
3. You crave more fattening things than you used to.
4. When you eat a lot and become too full your appetite comes back faster than it used to.
5. You have more of a psychological need to eat than you used to...that is, even if you're not physically hungry you crave food anyway.
6. Anything else?

2. I NEED to eat more than I used to. My capacity is huge now, like Galactus!

4. When I eat a lot (every meal) and get stuffed, my appetite comes back in hours - very quickly

5. I have more of a psychological need to eat - I always eat now, all day everyday... I don't think I remember what "hungry" feels like, lol

3. I don't really crave more fattening things than I used to, but my feeder has been on a pretty healthy (if BIG) diet.

6. I do find the act of overeating is erotic to me, and the feeling of being heavily stuffed... food is very much an erotic trigger now. Tie up my wrists and put a bunch of food near me... mmmm.... smiley
8 years

... wait.. how did i get fat without even realizing it or trying!?!

Now all of a sudden I gain like 30 lbs and didn't even realize!! I'm stunned really. Happy tho. smiley This kind of thing ever happen to anyone else? What happen? How did you feel about it?

This happened to me a couple years ago. I put on almost 50 lbs over the course of a year, maybe 9 months, for no real reason. My job was sedentary, and I worked a lot which limited time for exercise, and probably encouraged less-than-slimming eating habits. Plus as I get closer to 40, I imagine my metabolism is changing. So, like you, I was surprised to find myself pushing 200 lbs.

My initial thought was, "I gotta lose some weight!" But then my wife said, "hey, why not trying gaining a little more?"

And here I am today, over 400 lbs... enjoy your journey!
8 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Getting stuck in the subway turnstiles was a good reminder, hey, I'm fat!
8 years

Favorite bdsm toys

Being tied up while force fed or funnel fed is wonderful... I love it. We got some "gear" to do it with, but really all you need are some soft scarves or something to bind the wrists and ankles to something (chair, bed, etc.).

Blindfolds are a fun addition sometimes, too.
8 years

Ffas and big moobs

Besides being fun to squeeze, I think having moobs makes most guys feel a lot weaker and more feminized, which in turn amps up the dom streak most FFAs have, including myself.

I think you may have hit on something here... certainly I think it applies to my relationship with my feeder. smiley
8 years

Funnel and tube feeding

Love love love love funnel/tube feeding! Just seeing my feeder bring it out gets me excited!

The shakes made with a lot of dairy have been starting to cause me some stomach upset, so we are looking for alternatives. Someone suggested raw milk, but I don't know where to get it locally here in the city.
8 years

Meeting an old friend after getting fat!

About a week ago I went to a party and got to see some friends who hadn't seen me in some time, and I got the usual comments about the weight I've gained... nothing too unusual.

But there was one person I hadn't seen in a long time - we went through school together, from very young (grade 1) all the way through high school. We were close friends until the end of high school, but in college we kind of drifted apart and eventually lost touch. We hadn't communicated in 15 years or so.

The last time we'd seen each other we were both very fit. We were on the high school basketball team together.

Well, a lot has changed since then. I am over 400 lbs, and he was easily 300 by the looks of him! He hardly recognized me (although I've also added a beard since he'd seen me).

We had a great time catching up. It was like 15 years were 15 days. He'd started gaining right after college, and gotten to his current size over a long time. My gain was much more rapid. I didn't get into feedism at all (I didn't get the sense he was "into" weight gain like we all are), but when he asked if I was trying to lose weight I told him, "no, my wife really likes it."

The funniest thing was at the end of the night he came over to hug me - and the combination of our big guts really got in the way! We had a laugh about that.

Really cool to see other people I grew up with have fattened up. smiley
8 years

My boyfriend may be a secret feeder.

Has anyone else had a boyfriend or husband who you think may have been secretly or subtly trying to make you fatter?

My wife admitted to doing this over the course of a couple years. Eventually, when I thought I finally needed to lose some weight, she came out and told me - and she officially became my feeder, and me her feedee!

Hope the same happens to you! Enjoy!
8 years

2016 weight gain goals

My immediate goal is 450 lbs.

My feeder wants me to be 500, but it seems unlikely that I will gain that fast.
8 years

If you had a wish - survey

1. What is your current weight?

About 400 lbs.

2. What is your normal goal weight?

Current goal is 450 lbs. Then we'll see...

3. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, but the changes reverted after a few hours max. one day?

800 lbs - see what double my current weight would be like.

4. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, without it automatically reverting?

Maybe 500 lbs... this would is tough. I don't know if jumping up that increment would be a pleasant experience, or really limit my mobility? But I would love to try..
8 years