They've seen my message and my photo has been removed, so I'd recommend anybody else who doesn't want their pics on there to do the same.
Just because 'it happens' it doesn't mean it's right or that you are right to support it. As Wannabe Princess has said we upload our pics onto this site (a fat-positive space) with knowledge that there is risk that they'll get passed around, possibly in the wrong hands. I personally don't mind my pictures going around the online FA community, but I have a problem with my pictures being on an open facebook group, because people who have no interest in fat bodies can stumble across them very easily and I don't want my pictures being that easily accessible to non-FAs. Do I have any right to prevent this? No, but I do have a right to be offended if somebody disregards my wishes, my photos, and my body in this way. You cannot dictate how I should feel after discovering that somebody has uploaded pictures of my body onto their website. My photos, my body, my feelings. Your opinions do not matter, nor do any of us have any obligation to explain our feelings to you.
wesleyv1 wrote:
And maybe just maybe this is a good thing cause now it's out and now those girls don't have to hide who they are anymore
It's NEVER a good thing for anybody to 'out' somebody else without their consent.