I want my breasts to get big

I've heard of women using their own body fat to fill up their breasts, they lipo it out of somewhere else where they don't want it, and then put it back in where they do. The problem is that your body will reabsorb the fat and redistribute it through your body. I was doing a google search however and supposedly their are lipo-surgeons who have figured out how to do this in a way as such that the fat remains where it is placed. The link I found: www.lipostructure.com/breastaug.html

I have no proof as to whether or not this works, nor claim to be an expert in these matters. However, it may be worth doing some research on and trying to find some testimonies from previous patients who underwent this surgery.
12 years

Xbox live!!

IRIOIBI feel free to add me, and I might add some of you smiley
12 years

The big bad wolf by duck sause

What did I just watch? hahaha, nice video.
12 years

Is anyone into roleplaying?

Haven't really tried roleplay before, but it might be interesting, I have a webcam too if anybody wants to do anything like that.
12 years

You're demeaning weakness...

I laugh at everything, but if you can get me to laugh REALLY hard, I start giggling like a mad man. It makes my friends crack up whenever it happens, which makes me laugh even more lol. One of us usually ends up on the floor before we can calm down hahaha.
12 years

"real girl belly project"?

Loving this, glad more women are being less self conscious of their stomachs.
12 years

Fas out and about

fatnclassy wrote:
Sketchman, you are completely right, I just wish it was that simple. Even though I am fairly confident, my rare "fat girl insecurities" tend to rear their ugly heads in these situations. I also go to a university with a huge bro culture, and fat chicks are a major social no no (bullshit, I know). They'll admire my fatty lady parts and touch me in a weird way while when they can, but they would never approach me. It sucks.

But maybe when I'm out Saturday I'll follow your advice smiley

GO FOR IT! If the reason why they aren't approaching you is because they are afraid what their friends will think though, they aren't worth it. Good luck with your hunt!
12 years

Webcam chat

I'll start off by saying I am aware that it is a feature in the FF chat rooms but only for paying members. In any case, I just got a new webcam and thought I'd see who else enjoys using the little buggers. Whether you just like to video chat, or do shows, or whatever, if you use a webcam this thread is for you!

Post the site you use for webcamming and your username so other webcammers can get in touch! (can you tell I'm excited to try mine out? smiley)

Mine: Sketchman on faceflow.com
12 years