Short or tall bhm's/chubby men?

I wonder if feeders want taller men since they can technically get bigger (with fewer reprocusions to boot). I know it mostly depends on diet, but the taller hefty men I've met seem to be healthier than the shorter ones (they are also more mobile at bigger weights). Just a thought.

Personally, as a feedee though not a feeder, I am attracted to both but MUCH prefer shorter men. I have had a short complex all my life lol, grew up with tall friends. One of my parents is tall, the majority of my entire extended family on both sides is tall, but of course my other parent (one of about three short family members) cursed me with short genes. So I prefer short partners since it makes me feel taller lol (but I also like being in relationships where the whole gender dynamic is flipped: as in I'm not the one cooking, and instead work long hours then come home to get fattened up).
I can completely sympathize with this. In my family, some all very tall however most of us are around 5'7 to 5'9. I'm the shortest guy in the family with the exception of the kids.
7 years

Short or tall bhm's/chubby men?

Short, definitely! I like guys who are 5'8" like me, but shorter guys are sexy, too.
This is good to hear. Thank you, we certainly try.
7 years

Short or tall bhm's/chubby men?

Short men/short fat men have it hard in most cases. Life is not fair.

I think short fat *straight* men have it harder. I'm 5'4", and I've never found my height to get in the way of dating other dudes.

And straight or gay, being short does have some definite advantages. When it comes to flying economy class, while everyone else is moaning and uncomfortable, I always have enough leg room smiley[/quote] I can understand your point. That makes sense.
7 years

Short or tall bhm's/chubby men?

I'm 5' 9" and I fluctuate between 280 and 320
I didn't get my father's height but he didn't get my muscles and my fatness so nah!! Lol He wishes that he could have a fat stomach like mine.
7 years

When you're not attractive...even on a feeding website

So yeah let's see I'm a really big guy, always have been. Virgin, never had a GF in my life and being really big doesn't help. I have been trying to find a lady online for a long time, she doesn't even have to be local and I can't seem to find one. I do everything the right way, I'm respectful and kind but so far no luck at all and its very depressing.

So then I joined here and on recently thinking "hey maybe I might find someone" but as usual

Sure it takes time and all but it still makes me feel like crap that even on a website with a ton of big people like me I can't find anyone.

It makes me I really that shitty?

just figured I would post this so the other big guys who feel the same don't feel alone in what seems like a never ending struggle of lonelyness.
I know what you are going through. Never give up on going after what you want. Many of us here know your pain and can serve as sounding boards until things get better.
7 years

Short or tall bhm's/chubby men?

I'm 5'8 and fluctuate between 230-235.
You are just one inch away from being at the height of an average american adult male and with shoes, you are at least 5'9. 😀
7 years

Hating fat people?

And why do you have the right to comment on my body I personally would like the world had no poverty crime illness and every guy look like Brad Pitt and cook like guy Wolfgang puck but the world is full of all kinds of different and beautiful people I would hate it if the world only had one flower how boring the key to beauty is diversity
I understand completely. I have always found beauty in variation.Some people simply close their minds to alternative points of view.
7 years

Accepting yourself as a fat person

Four years ago, when I was at a shopping mall; I decided to weigh myself on the scale at a health food store. I said to myself that I am around 210-lbs. To my amazement, I weighed in at 227.5-lbs. I've done the diets and weight loss challenges; in order to drop some pounds. That didn't last long. Earlier this year, I went from 235-lbs. to 226-lbs. in a weight loss challenge. Only to regain the pounds that I had lost. I never was in denial of being or becoming fat. When I first hit 200-lbs., I accepted the fact of being fat. Now, I'm in the 230's, I'm proud of the fact that I am fat.
I feel the same way. While am aware that being smaller may or may not bennifit my life in terms of longevity, am okay with being on the heavier side until I find a reason to slim down. I have not faired out well in losing weight so far so I'm content with being pleasingly plump.
7 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

Being stuffed with pastries by a woman who was certainly in control. I love women of all shapes and sizes. One hot fantasy that I have is one in which a woman who was taller than me (not hard to find being that I'm 5'4 in shoes) taking complete control in feeding me until I was round.
7 years

Short or tall bhm's/chubby men?

I always feel bad saying this, but I mainly prefer tall guys. That being said I myself am tall (5'11). So for me it just comes down to not wanting to feel bigger than my counterpart. Especially liking larger men I want to overall feel smaller in height and weight. Obviously this isn't the case for everyone
You should not feel bad for your preferences. Look it is what it is. Short men/short fat men have it hard in most cases. Life is not fair. All that we can do is just to keep pressing foward with what is available
7 years