Guardian story

shazzy wrote
I have no friends, and all my family know what i do and who i am, soo im cool, more power to you smiley


I'll be your friend smiley
14 years

Fattest person on ff

I would just like to announce that my body will be at its most visible tonight when its orbtit around the sun brings me close to the nothern hemispehere of earth.

Please look out for me ginorumous floating mass and give a wave!
14 years


Buffetbelly wrote
I'm still hoping they do a remake of Planet of the Apes because I could play an extra without any additional makeup.

For women, I can appreciate anything from 100% au natural to 100% shaved head to toe.


I hate to admit I could probably also play a supporting role...

14 years

English class....essay title........"i like weight gain. discuss"!

shecouldbeanotherclone wrote
... because its a perfect excuse to eat, and food is immense xD

I dont intend to gain, but I love food too much for it not to happen! My whole life feels like one gaining session. Though I have to admit, there is something amazing about being so full you cant move, having to unbutton your already tight jeans... food babies ftw!

14 years

When do you know you are fat

BouncyBoy wrote
You know you are getting fat when you step on an elevator and you see everyone look at the max load plague and you can seen them mentally adding it up.

lol awesome.
14 years