Star wars episode vii....

waterstone wrote:
I think that Diseny will have George Lucus on hand to help them with thir project.

Well yeah, he's officially going to be 'creative consultant' for the series now.

Paperhero wrote:Then I read yesterday that they aren't going to follow any of the books or comics and they are making a brand new story. Sigh.

Same old, same old really. Lucas didn't pay the (Extended Universe) comics and books much attention at all either. It's a shame that we won't be seeing anything from the EU but you never know, something nice might come from it all too. We'll see.
11 years

Star wars episode vii....

I'm quite positive about it. Disney did just fine and didn't interfere/etc when they acquired Marvel - look how good The Avengers was! Lucas having full creative control was the reason why the prequel trilogy ended up being... controversial, and he was also responsible for the "Greedo shot first" thing and other much-debated edits to the original trilogy. He'll still be on board as a consultant so it should retain some of the proper Star Wars flavour, but it might be interesting to see how someone else handles this franchise.
11 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Paperhero wrote:
We should friend code it up! Get those join avenues moving!

On that note, people might want to look up about the 'Magnemite Coil':

Magnemite coil is a way to increase your join avenue. What you do is catch two magnemite. Put on up for trade and ask for a magnemite of any level in return. Once that magnemite is up for trade, search for another magnemite any level that someone wants to trade. Trade your second magnemite to the person that wants a magnemite of any level in return. Rinse and repeat and your join avenue will increase pretty quickly.

^^ As someone put it elsewhere. Why Magnemite? 3 reasons.

1- Japanese players started it when they first got the game. May as well follow through with what they've already got established.
2- Magnemite's are found really early, in Virbank Complex. They're easy to find in the inner area, with a 25% chance of popping up. They're easy to catch too. Heck, you could use your own Magnemite's Sonicboom to chop off 20HP at a time and not worry about criticaling them to death.
3- Magnemite's are genderless so you don't need to worry about specific genders to trade for/with.

The Magnemite Coil is pretty big right now so it's worth looking into for an easy way to level up your Join Avenue. For those who don't know what Join Avenue is, look here:

There's a lot of useful shops available for you to put in there! smiley These include a Raffle Shop, Beauty Salon, Dojo, Market, Flower Shop, Antique Shop, Cafe, and Nursery.
11 years

What's your motto?

Dan wrote:
It didn't stop me feeling down about my comparatively trivial problems, it just made me feel guilty for feeling that way, and made me feel like a very selfish person.

Yes I'm obviously glad I've never had to experience those horrific events, but it doesn't make smaller problems any less important to an individual, nor should anyone be made to feel guilty for it.

I do agree. I've heard such advice be described as "problem avoidance", particularly because it pushes depression/etc aside, when such problems really DO need to be tackled and dealt with.

It does work for some people though. Just never use it on someone suffering from depression/etc or else it may likely backfire horribly.
11 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Also, Ghetsis's new outfit proper:
11 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Wow, this really needs a bump since Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 have been released, haha. I think Genesect might still be available for download too, so you better get it if you haven't.
11 years

*knocking up* fetish?

Mmm, there's some very lovely stuff in this topic. smiley
11 years

$30m of maple syrup stolen

Thieves in Quebec have made off with a massive haul of maple syrup worth up to $30 million in an unusual burglary targeting the world's most important association of producers of the Canadian confection.

Quebec provincial police are investigating after the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers, in an inventory check of one of its warehouses, noticed that a large number of the barrels it uses to store its maple syrup were empty.

The warehouse, in St-Louis-de-Blandford, 160 kilometres northeast of Montreal, held about 3.4 million litres of bulk maple syrup and is part of a global strategic reserve of the sticky liquid.

The federation of producers said the Sûreté du Québec and an auditing firm are determining exactly how much the thieves took.

"The St-Louis-de-Blandford warehouse had been secured by a fence and locks, and visited regularly," federation president Serge Beaulieu said in a news release.

The statement said the syrup was being held at the warehouse temporarily while the finishing touches are put on a new storage facility in nearby Laurierville, Que. It was supposed to be transferred over the coming weeks.


If the entire warehouse's contents were stolen, it would represent more than a tenth of Quebec's 2012 harvest, and more than a quarter of the federation's inventory.

The stock of syrup was insured, the federation said, so its members will not lose financially.

The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers is the industry association for the province's 7,500 producers, and administers a bulk sale system with quotas on individual operations. The federation also keeps nearly 13 million litres in syrup in three warehouses to stabilize global supply and prices.

Quebec produces three-quarters of the world's maple syrup. The province's output hit 33 million litres this year, down about five per cent from last year but way up from the lean harvest of 2008.

That's a rather random thing for someone to steal... I guess they must really love maple syrup, haha.
11 years

Stupid things

"Cats Love It!" Yeah that kitty doesn't look too thrilled with it on, lol.

Can't forget the Cheeseburger In A Can either:,2183/
11 years