It's probably dead, according to the site owner, at least for now:

So it seems that in recent years the only thing I use my DA journal for is to announce significant site outages.

In short: the domain has expired and I'm having some issues renewing it. I'm optimistic that this will be worked out in the relatively near future. In the meantime, will be pointing at a rather unattractive list of "Related Searches".
12 years

Georgia davies now 63 stone.

marzopolis wrote:
Pardon me! I thought it was a United Kingdom and men from your country were across the board refered to as being Englishmen!

British or Briton actually, not Englishmen. They're only Englishmen if they're English.
The United Kingdom is a unitary state governed under a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system, with its seat of government in the capital city of London. It is a country in its own right and consists of four administrative divisions (or countries): England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Demonym: British or Briton
12 years

Weight loss?

foxglove wrote:
The way Piggybelly described the way she touched her & spoke to her was akin to a doctor grabbing someone's big nose and going OMG LOOK AT YOUR MASSIVE HOOTER IT'S SO DISGUSTING, YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GET PLASTIC SURGERY! Lol, not cool!

I agree. It was gross misconduct of the gynecologist and it's best she goes to someone who will actually treat her fairly.
12 years

Site similar to ff

NoVa wrote:
didn't curvage die?

The owner stopped caring about it and eventually deleted the site, but it's been picked up again by a new owner.
12 years

What game are you playing?

Reaperman wrote:
Also, re: me3 one of the endings (even before they added the dlc) shows someone that looks suspiciously like (read obviously is) shepherd starting to wake up. But yeah, disappointed with the end in many ways but even that had some good bits. The way the music went with the visuals stands out, but the music of mass effect has always been outstanding. Next generation saph?


The fourth option is giving the finger to the Catalyst/Starchild, basically, rejecting any of his three choices. He expresses hostile disappointment, and then the Reapers win and everyone dies. The ending changes, instead of the grandfather we get an lady telling the story of how Liara placed info all around the worlds warning the next advanced generation of races of the Reaper threat, and someone from that generation finally put an end to the Reaper menace.

A bit bittersweet but at least it was won by combat instead of colours, right? Nope. On Twitter one of the Bioware staff confirmed that someone from one of the next advanced generation races only put an end to the Reapers by picking one of the three colours, making Shepard's rejection of the Catalyst all for nothing, and the same three choices inescapable.

12 years

What game are you playing?

Ahh, the infamous ME3 endings... yes, they were written up solely by the head writer(Mac Walters) and the project lead(Casey Hudson). Their artistic vision, see, not that of any of the other writers. As one of them put it:

“I have nothing to do with the ending beyond a) having argued successfully a long time ago that we needed a chance to say goodbye to our squad, b ) having argued successfully that Cortez shouldn’t automatically die in that shuttle crash, and c) having written Tali’s goodbye bit, as well as a couple of the holo-goodbyes for people I wrote (Mordin, Kasumi, Jack, etc).

No other writer did, either, except for our lead. This was entirely the work of our lead and Casey himself, sitting in a room and going through draft after draft.

And honestly, it kind of shows.

Every other mission in the game had to be held up to the rest of the writing team, and the writing team then picked it apart and made suggestions and pointed out the parts that made no sense. This mission? Casey and our lead deciding that they didn’t need to be peer-reviewe.d

And again, it shows."

Casey is really smart and really analytical. And the problem is that when he’s not checked, he will assume that other people are like him, and will really appreciate an almost completely unemotional intellectual ending. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it.

There's also an extra ending via DLC which might seem to give one a kind of hope after all, until it was confirmed on Twitter that the next generation just picked one of the first three, if you know what I mean.
12 years