Embarrassed to like fat.

Ivash wrote:
Frankly I expected to get more sympathy from a site where people go through this stuff all the time, even in this same thread.

*sighs* Look, you're not thinking about the other side of the coin. Many fat people here have been the victim of closet FA's telling them how wonderful they are but they won't dare to take them out in public, or take them to meet their families, or sneaking them into the house for an early morning booty call, all out of a sense of shame. Fleeing at the sight of family members or friends that might find out. Being lovely to them and openly blasting fat people elsewhere. Things like that. Just reduced to someone's 'dirty little secret'. It's both demeaning and heartbreaking for them.

So to put it very mildly, it's a bit difficult for people here to be supportive of closet FA's when they've seen the results of what an FA being in the closet can do. They don't want to see any more broken hearts than they already do.

That said, the fetish part is perfectly fine to hide - no-one needs to know about feederism or BDSM or whatever gets someone off in the bedroom. But it's a far different thing to hide an entire person away. No-one's ever been physically attacked or had someone attempt to literally kill them over dating a fat person either, so it really isn't comparable to homosexuality.

As someone once put it:

This isn't about not wearing a "YES FATTIES" t-shirt. Its about being open and honest about who you are. That openness doesn't mandate a billboard, but it does mandate treating a fat partner like you'd treat anyone.

So just... do it. It's no big deal. Really.
12 years

How can i fatten up my gf?

Unsuspecting fattening: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/infusions/forum/view-thread.php

Ninja feeding: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/infusions/forum/view-thread.php

Are a couple of topics where this particular thing has been... discussed before and people have given their opinions.
12 years

Tv shows

I also recommend Black Books, Game of Thrones and Peep Show. smiley
12 years

Cats or dogs?

Cats. I brushed mine a lot, haha.
12 years