Showing off fat in public? (girls)

Siren wrote
We gals work very hard for our big bellies... I figure we should flaunt them!

Ha, and it is attitudes like this which give you such a fan base here smiley
14 years

Girls that are embararsed of gaining

AliceInWonderland wrote
Maximum wrote
SodaPopinski wrote
AliceInWonderland wrote
lovely_plumper wrote
Xandra wrote
I like to complain about my weight so I can be encouraged. I like standing in front of a mirror complaining about how much weight I've gained so that I can be told I look better this way. And I like when I'm dieting and someone tries to sabotage it.
I like being convinced that I'm wrong not to enjoy it.

Before I knew what feederism was I would stand in front of a guy I was with and say things like "I am too fat" and "I need to lose weight" and of course I would just get the answer..."No, youre not" or in a worse case "Oh maybe you should try to diet and excercise" and all I ever wanted to hear was "Yes you are a little fat and it's very sexy on you" and this was before I realized all my fantasies but I knew I wanted to find a guy who thought my curves were sexy and I love to play around saying I am too fat to be told I am not and to have some ice cream smiley

HAHA omg I still do this... I'm trying my hardest not to but it still comes out and yes most of the time they do try to offer advice on losing it loool it's so pointless, to absolutely everyone, the FAs/Feeders think you aren't very confident and stop liking you as much and the guys who aren't into fat just say exactly what you don't want to hear. It's a pointless technique I really need to grow out of it hahaha.

Tell ANY guy that you're with that you want them to respond this way. We will say whatever you want to get you in the mood, trust me. We've just been programmed to reply to the weight thing a certain way - even the FA guys.

I'd expect any real guy to gladly tell you whatever turns you on... we're just a little obtuse sometimes.

lol I'd agree with you but there seems to be a thing with women and them wanting their guy to know the right way to respond without having to tell them smiley

hehe Max, you're so right, you should be a woman ^^


no, i should just have the confidence to get a woman, cause i clearly have the knowledge and skills to keep one... smiley
14 years