
yeah teasing a girl who was fit and is getting a bit softer but nicely to extent where you still know she is turned on by that ^^ and pinch her here and there where you spottet some softer parts ^^ is really some kind of forplay and now that i got a bit softer myself I sure would be very turned on by her getting back on me for beeing so naughty to her ^^ oh that would be great if that ever happens ;-)
9 years

Comments from others

hmm...i find comments somehow very intriguing ^^ and enticing smiley

some comments really made me even hooked to gain more and eat more to get such a comment again ...

i like somehow to compare and get aware of the changes and i , too like to comment on girls pic if they got more fit or chubbier smiley
9 years

6 foods that instantly turn into belly fat

mhmm i found that very interesting about the food :-)
9 years

Forcefeeding/being forcefed

ok invite me to australia and will come for some weeks when it´s possible just to find out about how this could be and how much i would gain when being forced and be surprised at how chubby i got when trying to run from you ....:-) realizing i can´t stop anymore cause it´s so hot smiley
9 years

Forcefeeding/being forcefed

oh i would love to try that in real live with a girl feed her when she is helpless or the other way around later on and mix food with sex until desired efeect are arising mhmmm....... and then measure everything try on old clothes ^^ and ...and .... eat of course much more than before ^^
9 years

First time with boyfriend

hehe that is cool sexy and brave of him to do ....but if i know of my gf that she likes it hehe a very naughty way to start the day ;-) but i wished some girl would do that to me , too hehe that could really be a nice revenge game an morning who is the one up first to stuff the other one ;-)
9 years

Kidnapped, forced to be a pig?

Caleycou wrote:
Yes, being abducted and forced to gain has been a hot fantasy of mine

Oh with your smile i would just take you away and tie you down to see that lovely body of your swell over your panties ^^
9 years

Expersonal trainer getting fat

Oh man thanks for writing your thoughts down smiley

I am kind of in the same boat but i think that with someone special female i would tend to get softer over time but i somehow like the thought of she teasing me about becoming chubby and maybe even a bit out of control with my eating habits when there would be a girl tempting me with food and seeing her desire in her eyes to see me chubbier although she know i feel abigous to it even a little shame is really tempting and i would have to see if i ever get back into some fitness routine or if i am just driven by desire to eat on smiley.

I would say it depends on how i will like beeing a bit softer when having someone with whome you are together to get a balance of some sort between feeling chubby and not so confident on the beach at first ^^ but maybe even better after some while cause you have someone loveing a nd nice besides you who just likes you chubby and maybe even a bit fitter only to get you nice and soft again.

I just don´t can´t stand things that are permanent there has to be the chance of change so i probably would never gain more than 60lbs or so ....
9 years


with some lovely girl maybe one day if it happens but one girl alone would be quite enough for me now ^^
9 years