How many of you are here for something other than sexual messaging?

Here trying to find out why the quality of stories is so low. There are literally some that are unreadable because of grammar, spelling, paragraphing, punctuation lack. Is no one checking these? Seemed a few years ago the quality was a bit more consistent. The themes are often too similar, also...

There was once a rating system. It seems too many people were offended by not getting top score for their misspelled words hastily thrown together, so it was removed.

Now the only thing influencing the visibility of a story is how clickbaity the title is.

There are some very good stories, but you have to invest a lot of time in finding them.
5 years

Story quality lacking

I remember there was once a rating system.
It was probably removed when too many people who couldn't write, started complaining that they were offended by not getting a full score of 5 for their bunch of misspelled words thrown together and pretending to be a story.

Now, without a rating system, and only the number of clicks being used as some kind of rating, the only thing influencing the visibility of a story is how many people clicked on it, so a clickbaiting title is the only thing to decide the fate of a story.

I tried writing a few short stories, and despite English not being my first language, I tired to make the spelling and grammar as correct as I could, I concentrated on having as few clichees as possible, and tried to give personality to the characters. (people who wrote me about them seemed to like them).

But they are still out-competed by far by stories with a title like "[female name] gets fat", with no punctuation, horrible spelling, and a two-paragraph story about someone gaining a gazillion tons of weight without any story, any characterization, and description, and any explained motivation.
5 years

Long, drawn out stories

I personally do not like the extremely short stories. I tend not to bother reading anything less than five chapters as the ones that are less than that are often unfinished, or so poorly written that I struggle to get beyond chapter one anyway.

It seems many other people think like you, because my one long story got ten times as much attention that the shorter ones. Even though I now decided to write many short but finished stories instead of one long one. I have several other plans for short stories, which are designed to be short but finished. But it seems there is not much interest in this genre around here...

Take a look at the typical 2000 char intro chapter with horrible spelling and grammar, full with cliches (starting with a name, height, weight and job/studies as the first sentence, but no other characterization following it), where nothing ever happens besides the main character to start stuffing inexplicably, then it all ends with a promise that more chapters will be coming (not forgetting to add that promise to the title). This will gather a lot of views, likes, and encouraging comments to add more chapters.

On the other hand, a 10k-20k fully finished 10-minute story will get at best a lukewarm reception.

So it seems (with notable exceptions) most people will favor a simplistic fap-material instead of literature.
5 years

Curing obesity?

A large section of society already vie for more brutal action to be applied to fat people.

I see a very close resemblance to how homosexuality is/was handled.

It seems the majority of people want to be brutal against some group, any group. And now since a strong media pressure and very successful propaganda in the West made it sure that it's a career destroying move to be negative towards homosexuality, now people have to find another target. So they now take arms up against fat people.

If you somehow make it illegal or at least unfashionable to be hostile against a group, people will find another, less protected group to be hostile against.

It's sad, but it seams that's how reality works smiley
5 years

Is liking your own weight gain innate, or can it be influences by external factors?

Despite what some wish-fulfillment stories say, so far it seems to me that someone either develops a desire to be fat on their own fairly on, or they don't develop it at all.

So I would like to ask you for personal experiences.

- FA: did it ever happen to you, that someone was not into gaining weight, but they later did get into it due to you showing support/persuasion/affection?

-Feedee: did it ever happen to you, that you didn't want to get fat, but the affection someone was showing you changed you into liking it?

I'm not talking about coming out of the closet. I'm talking about changing desires. Is it even possible, or are we hard wired from an early age to be either attracted to it or not?
5 years

Curing obesity?

Often a headline comes up that scientists found a way to make it very easy to lose weight.

Many in this community might be saddened if it became true, but I would actually welcome it. Why? Because then if I met fat people, I would know that they are fat on purpose and they enjoy it.

In today's world it's often very awkward to really find out if someone is interested in getting fat, or would enjoy being fat. If it was much easier to lose weight, only those who really like it, would be fat. We could find them more easily. smiley
5 years

City of pleasures

You can download the first release for free at the bottom of the patreon page.

Do I need an account for that? I searched and searched and searched, without finding it.
5 years

City of pleasures

When and in what form will it be first released?
5 years

Difficulties of 300+ pound body and how can a partner help?

This is very true. I'm currently around 360 and still fairly strong and mobile. A few difficulties have been developing in the last year or so, though.

This was really a great description! Just with the right amount of details, and very immersive.

What I'm curious about, is how do you sleep. In what position? I always wondered about how women with your body type sleep, and what positions they find comfortable and uncomfortable. How it developed over time, etc.
5 years

Difficulties of 300+ pound body and how can a partner help?

This is a very broad topic.

And some people start experiencing very heavy limitations even at 250 pounds, while others remain very active and flexible even at 500+.
5 years