What are your short and long term goals?

Weight in '19 - Around 140 lbs maybe? Way, way too small, and I'd rather not get into how that happened.

Current is about 170ish. Trying not to slip below this.

Heaviest so far as been around 176.

Here's some nearer term goals/hopes, though I keep either plateauing, or experience set backs. So far it's been a challenge to eat the way I'd like to, as scheduling, obligations, sleep, and getting full too quickly seem to be holding me back. Hopefully soon I can get a job and scheduling situation that's more amenable to gaining more.

180+ by the end of this year.

200+ by summer. I've heard it's around 200-210 (and average height) when a substantial increase in appetite is experienced, though this likely depends on the person.

30"+ thighs - I don't know when this may happen, but I predict I'd have to exceed 200 lbs to do this. This would be the point where my thighs are as big around as my waist once was.

222+ afterwards. Sounds arbitrary, but 221 lbs is 100 kgs.

Hopefully by this point, the large size pan crust from Pizza Hut will be my personal size pizza, or at least can be.

After that, I may like to settle around 250 or even 300. Can't see going larger than that right now.

Optional, though a lovely fantasy would be that sometime in the future, I'll have a wife and when she gets pregnant, I gain a pound for every pound she gains because of the pregnancy.
1 year

My conclusion

If you're telling the truth, then I'm sorry to hear that because that's horrible. It was not my intent to belittle your situation, and I hope you can get out of somehow. You're absolutely right that I don't know your situation, or the circumstances that led to it. I was however, offering a perspective of what others may be thinking.

The broader point I was making is that trust is quite difficult to establish and it doesn't happen overnight, and I listed possible reasons why others may be slow to trust.
1 year

Other spaces online?

Some good responses so far.

There are, or used to be Kik groups of various sorts, of varying quality with most being quite toxic, or more dead than Disco. You need to have a very thick skin.

Whisper in general is a big mess, and your posts won't show up half the time because of overzealous spam filters, but there's a few groups on there. But again, Whisper is toxic and you need a very thick skin.

Probably dating myself somewhat, but..

I've looked around on various IRC (Internet Relay Chat) networks. Very little/almost none that refers to feederism, though on occasion I might see a channel that refers to BBW. One such Feederism web site used IRC for their chat, but that didn't last long and they moved to Discord, unfortunately.

Not an option anymore but I remember the old Yahoo groups. Never really used UseNet, but there were probably newsletter groups. But as a protocol, it's so niche now that I wouldn't recommend it.

I'm not just saying this because I'm staff on here, but so far I think FF has done the best job so far with a welcoming, accepting feederism community. That's in spite of various quirks, or that the chat is web based which isn't what I prefer. It's the only online community I've kept coming back to for nearly 16 years, and that's saying something.
1 year

My conclusion

For reference, the other post is here: fantasyfeeder.com/forum/posts

Maybe you have unreasonable expectations, or ask for too much? I can't be sure but I kind of have that impression.

I did see your other post, and wow, just wow. To be clear, you do have the right to state any preferences and non-negotiable requirements you want. But the longer or more stringent the requirements, the shorter the potential list is. You also have to consider that not everyone who does in fact fulfill the list of requirements and most preferences, will be interested. You also framed your requests in such a way that you'd spend virtually nothing, while the potential suitor has to spend a lot on something very risky.

I also think that maybe you're being impatient? You posted this, less than a day after you posted your other post. Even if there is someone who might be willing to do what you ask, what makes you think that someone will jump in right away?

As a man, I already know that I'm pretty sure I will not even remotely consider the mail order/long distance bride thing for a LOT of reasons, and these are reasons why someone who might consider it, may still be reluctant anyway.

- Catfish / scammers, a common problem with mail-order/overseas/across International borders. But we'll assume that doesn't apply to you.

- What expectation is there, that you'd even get along, much less actually enjoy each other's company?

You just can't be sure. For the same money as the plane ticket, I can go to the bar multiple times and talk to random women there. Even if they all turn out to be a bust, that's okay. I still got good drinks, live music, and talk about whatever silly thing with the regulars there.

- I must also emphasize, that online v. in-person interaction is very, very different. The cost to make an in-person interaction has been made far too high.

This is coming from someone who has been on the Internet for a very long time, and over the years, there are some individuals I first spoke to this way, that I might be willing to meet in person. However, this process took many years and was by no means guaranteed. Oftentimes, meeting someone in person is nothing like the online interaction.

Realistically, I'm unlikely to consider driving more than 2 hours one way, and I really want something within about an hour or so. Money, and especially time flexibility makes this a challenge. But even if I was compelled to travel so far, I'd make arrangements to travel there in person, with the expectation that she will do the same, including paying for whatever transportation arrangements she uses out of her own dime. Much in the same way that with someone local, I expect she'd regularly make the drive to my place, and do so on her own time and dime.

My advice is to either try to find someone local, or if you really do wish to leave El Salvador, to hold off on looking for a relationship until you do so. And, you're 21 years old.. you still have plenty of time.

Also, this post is not a Personals Ad, so I'm moving this to General.
1 year

553,2 calories in 5 minutes and with 7 bites

I don't know German, but it looks like it says there's 461 calories in 100 grams, and each bar is 120 grams, so...about 553 calories as the OP said is right.

Though, seems kind of expensive. Each one is $1.57 USD at current exchange rates, or $38.45 for a package of 30 of them ($1.28 each). Though, may be a moot point. Shipping to the U.S., or to the U.K. for that matter, would likely be very expensive too.

Still, kind of makes me wonder if there might be some sort of local equivalent. Then again, there's always candy bars of various sorts too.
1 year

Ai generated stories

If that's the best it can do, I don't think we'll have to worry about the Terminator or SkyNet for a very, very long time, if ever.

And yes, sometimes something can potentially be such a big mess it might be worthwhile to start over from scratch than to fix and tweak. It's why many/most folks might eventually buy a new car. It's why software code is sometimes replaced rather than tweaked from a confusing, unmaintainable mess to an even worse, more confusing mess.
1 year

Cosplaying when fat

Somewhat off-topic, but I always appreciate when someone who is very fat wears a costume for a character that's portrayed as quite skinny or fit, though only if you can duplicate the same costume in the correct fit, and it's not a total cop out. e.g. Agent Smith from the Matrix would be a cop out, because that just needs a black tie, a regular two piece black suit, a tie bar, and a long sleeve white shirt with a point collar.

Examples include, but aren't necessarily limited to:

- Jessica Rabbit
- Lara Croft
- Alice (Resident Evil)
- Trinity/Neo (Matrix)
- Link/Zelda/Malon (Legend of Zelda)
- Peach Toadstool/Toad (Mario series)
- Booker/Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite)

Sometimes, a character is portrayed as having different outfits, so some might be easier to duplicate than others. For example, regarding Elizabeth in Bioshock, the first half is portrayed as having a white blouse and a dark blue maxi skirt, which is much easier than the second half of the game, where she wears a dark blue corset, a blue velvet maxi skirt, and a decorative overcoat, also made from blue velvet.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates this. It sends an unspoken message to other fat people that they can cosplay as thin characters.
1 year

Video game worlds you'd love to live in

Are we good to discuss tv or movie worlds we’d like to live in?

The OP only asked about video game worlds, so that's how I answered and how apparently everyone else answered. I may have answered differently if I could include TV and movie worlds. Then again, maybe not.
1 year

Optimal marcos for gaining fat

Do you mean Marco's Pizza? I was confused there for a second.

Can't say I ever tried them, though. I remember they were started by Family Video and they were initially located only next to Family Video stores. They offered things like optionally pickup video rentals that were about to expire. Don't remember if they also delivered video rentals but probably not; can't ensure availability.

I'm also not sure what you mean by optimal, because there's more than one way to be optimal.

Perfect cost optimization likely won't include any kind of takeout food at all, not to mention would be very boring and you'll burn out fast.

Maximum calorie optimization may not include takeout either, and you'd also burn out and get bored fast from the lack of variety.

Even if you mean within the constraints of what Marco's Pizza offers, I might still tell you to not worry too much, because you'd otherwise get bored.

I'd say just to have fun, go with what tastes good, can ideally eat a lot of, and make sure to keep some variety so you don't burn out.

Unrelated but, still moderately jealous of your boyfriend's ability to consume so much heavy cream without seeming too full or having to use the bathroom too much.
1 year

Navigating this with a family

I too would like to have kids, and this is something I've thought about occasionally. Most likely, I expect I will have finished gaining and my future wife would be done too.

There's no way I can think of to reply to this question without expressing some strong opinions, so I'll try not to be abrasive.

That said, the bottom line is practice what you preach and don't be a hypocrite. Otherwise, you will cause resentment and that is NOT something you want. This applies to anything at all. Not just gaining and feederism, but whether you drink and to what degree, if you smoke, or other activities you may engage in, or not. So as an example, since I play video games sometimes and I'm not big on the gym, I have NO right to demand any kids of mine not play video games and to engage in sports.

So, if for example, I'm a heavy 300+ lb man who often eats a lot, or I eat a container of Haagen-Daz while watching a movie, the only thing I can do is offer one to my kid, too.

Of course, I wouldn't force this because that's just weird, just to be clear. I would insist on taking a multivitamin pill, though.

The odds are very good that if you are fat/obese, your children will be as well so it's best to accept this possibility. It's reasonable to expect they will copy your eating habits.

And for someone sufficiently big enough, like really big (probably 400+ or especially 500+), there's no way around it.. it'll make a difference. There might be activities that can't be shared.

I'm also not inclined to think it's the worst thing, either. Every year, fat acceptance gets more popular and widespread. There aren't many jobs you'd be locked out of. I don't anticipate problems with social acceptance and dating prospects, or overall quality of life because of this.

But even if that trend stops, the only thing I could do, which I plan on anyway, is to just continually show and prove that being heavy is fine, that it doesn't make you a bad person.
1 year