Warning! fat can be permanent

Yeah I know and this turn me on so much!😍😍😍
Me too!!😍
7 years

What were the earliest signs of your fetish?

I think my fetish quietly crept up on me. I was vaguely attracted to children at school who were overweight but I did not really do anything about it. Certainly I did not put pillows up my shirt to simulate obesity. It must have been at puberty when I found the idea of being overweight compuslively attractive. It is not that I fanced other people who were fat, I definitely wanted to be fat myself. Once the idea was in my head I could not get rid of it. I just desparately wanted to be bigger. I tried to talk myself out of it, thinking it was a passing phase, and for a tiime it would go away, only to return again with vengeance; stronger that it was before. When I was fifteen I decided to take matters into my own hands and started putting on weight deliberately and have done so ever since so now I would be described as super obese.
I think even before puberty and before any sexual feelings.I remember reading 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and wishing so much that I could be Augustus Gloop.
As puberty hit and I developed sexual desires it was TOTALLY about fat.There was one very fat kid at school and I used to get so turned on when we were changing/showering after PE....somewhat embarrassing!
So,basically as long as I can remember!
7 years

Unintentional gain

Only gain if you are SURE.
A key test is masturbate and if you still want to gain straight afterwards,go for it.If not,don't.
I was slim but was always turned on by fat and gave dreamt my whole life of being morbidly obese.It means more to me than anything else.I knew...I was sure.I'm now over 100lbs heavier and not stopping.
Think about what it means BEFORE you do it...hot and sweaty all summer,not able to walk far or fast.Not able to get up easily out of a deep chair.Being breathless.Think about the health issues...I now have type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure and cholesterol and am on daily medication now for the rest of my life.
Remember too that there's pretty much no going back...once you've increased your appetite so much,it's VERY difficult to stop.
Think about all of that and what it means and if,like me,you decide its what you want from your life,go for it!😊
7 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

At the start I found it difficult to gain weight so I really had to persist and keep up the calories. Then there was a tipping point. One I really wanted to eat fattening food. In fact I craved it. Then I really started putting on weight and weight that I could not lose. So be warned. If you start as a gainer there comes a point when you will be a gainer always. There is no turning back.
This is so true.I was exactly the same.There really is no going back once you hit a certain point.
7 years


I always feel ashamed afterwards
Never feel ashamed...nothing to be ashamed about 😊
7 years


I get off by feeling my growing belly and my rolls of fat. The more fat i gain, the more my fat pushes over my belt, stretches my clothes and is visible to others, the more of a turn on i find it. I often masturbate after stuffing, when i feel my biggest. The belly is definitely my focus and so i want to get it as fat as possible. The idea of going to a nudist beach where only fat people are allowed to go also turns me on, as being naked outdoors with other fat people is something i would love to experience. No skinny people, just people with beautiful fat bodies.
Yep,this is me too 😊
7 years

Wearing suspenders or belt

Suspenders (known as braces here in the UK) are definitely the best.Try them and you won't go back to belts 😊
7 years

Gaining boyfriend

Carbohydrates like pasta,bread and potatoes.Eat constantly in the evenings until bed.Gradually increase portion sizes.Keep a range of savoury and sweet snacks in the house at all times 😊
7 years


Honestly, health issues are a major turn on. Be it in myself or others. Just the fact that gluttony and fat has taken over that much, that their weight has gotten so out of control... Its amazing. I wish I could find others that agree. I'd love to find a female feeder to expand my body and degrade my health.
I agree smiley totally!
8 years