
Hey All,

I was actually after a favour if it isn't too much trouble.

See I have a friend who has recently found out that they are both Lactose and Gluten Intolerant.

This has resulted in a much more limited diet which they don't enjoy and so they are pretty much wasting away.

I'd really like to help them with this lifestyle change but I don't really have any experience, so I figured who better to ask than the wonderful, food loving people of Fantasy Feeder. smiley

So if anyone has, or knows anyone with either intolerance and are aware of any tips or advice that could really help someone new to dealing with it, could you please send it my way? Posting in this thread would be good so others could also benefit from it, but if you prefer you can always message me directly too.

I look forward to any and all aid provided.


12 years

Pregnant dressup

K041A wrote:
I started out with pillows.

I'm guilty of the exact same thing! Then I moved on to those big punching balloons. That actually worked quite well, believe it or not. They're relatively cheap and easy to find in any dollar store.

I stopped a while back, but... I always liked it. I might start it again, reading this post.

Punching balloons? Never heard of them? :S
12 years

One question what would it be?

Edgar_Allan wrote:
"How can we unify general relativity and quantum mechanics into one theory of everything?"

Yes, I am a nerd

Oh god please yes, to know what Einstein worked so hard to achieve before his death...
12 years

Diablo 3!!

Awesome game, never got into D1 or D2, was always more of a Warcraft guy, but D3 is amazing and i highly recommend it to anyone thinking about it.
12 years

Really tiny wanting to get fat

Thin to fat is always fun because of the the observable gain and difference.
12 years

Feeling alone at your size

johnxyz wrote:
ReadTheWind wrote:
I can sort of relate. I'm tiny at only 100lbs, but I go to a school where's there's only a few overweight people. I sometimes see this one guy who is quite large and I really want to talk to him and be his friend. I'm too shy though. He's always alone... Where I live it's unacceptable to be overweight. I live in a beach/party culture community where if you're not at the gym for at least 6 hours a day, then you're a nobody and far from attractive. I feel really upset that I can't find any large people here to befriend and cuddle up to. I just want to find people like you guys and hang out. You'd get so many compliments (and cookies) from me all the time!

Me: I'm not worrrrrthy of your goddess-like presence!

Imaginary large friends: Char, shut up you're embarrassing us!

Me: But you're soooo amaaaazing!

I would go for it anyway. Just say hi, and see where it goes. He is probably shy too.

Seriously, just go for it, even if nothing comes of it, you could totally make his day, hell even his life. Women have no idea how much impact just saying "hi" can have on a guy.
12 years

Extreme fatness for one day?

This may be my new favourite thread on FF, the thought of temporary EXTREME obesity is one of my greatest fantasies. ^_^
12 years

Thin people who want to become fat!

reverseanorexic wrote:
Is there anything out there that can shut off the I'M FULL STOP EATING signal from my stomach?

A feeder?

(Can't believe no one had said that yet? :S)
12 years

What does it take? o_o

scuba wrote:
Another way you can tell when your extremely obese, is when you can't bend your fingers any more.

12 years