Wlw feederism chat?

No idea what discord is. Invite chubbypup1 if you do a Kik group please
4 years

That lovely fat feeling

Iā€™m in the middle of a heavy cream low carb diet right now. Aside from a lot of bloating, I have not seen that jump up the scale yet. Only completed one week

Do you really think you'll see a jump with low carbs?
4 years

That lovely fat feeling

Maybe something is off in the gravitational pull today lol. I have actually been pushing myself up to 5-6000 calories the last couple of days but this morning I really saw it working. It's winter so I've been bundled up most of the time and not even sleeping naked as ususal. I had time for a leisurely hot shower this morning and had a good look at myself for the first time in about a month...and a few lbs.
I've been loving my belly growth so much I hadn't noticed the rest of me getting really big as well! My thighs are getting real thick and luscious, my ass has a dimple and my tits, which definitely feel heavier, are getting stretch marks. I'm getting absolutely juicy and I love it! My pants barely fit when I put them on in the morning, by the time I get through lunch they need to be loosened and/or lowered. My hoodies are getting tight around my fat gut and I'm on my way into holiday gathetings with some who haven't seen me in a year--I can't wait for the comments because after another week of eating like this I sure won't be able to hide it!
4 years

How often do your goals increase?

I started gaining this spring, thought I'd put on 10 pounds and see how it felt. I liked it, put on another 10 and while doing so set a goal of about 35 pounds (total end weight 200).
The other night I was scrolling through pics and profiles admiring some really beautiful bellies. I find myself aspiring to sizes that seem like I'd have to add about 60lbs to the 20 I've already gained for a total gain of 80--more than twice my original plan. Is this common?

Confession: A little part of me is looking at that number 80 and thinking "why not make it a round hundred?"
4 years

Bailey's irish cream? anyone here tried it straight?

Bailey's on ice is nice. Try the chocolate cherry Bailey's šŸ˜‰
4 years

A week of around 6000 cal days - using heavy cream

I found the secret to heavy cream...go get a big box of lucky charms. Use cream instead of milk. The marshmallows do amazing things in it and what's left is easily drinkable. Good luck!
5 years

Trail mix cookies


8. Remove from oven and let cool/harden before eating.

This makes no sense to me smiley
5 years

I need help

I admire your strength in talking about this, it's not easy. I have anxiety and depression, they both suck a big bag of dicks.

Get around people, it's a great distraction even if it's just people watching (which can also inspire stories to write). Last night I forced myself to go visit a friend because my mind hadn't stopped all day and I knew sitting home was a bad idea.

Going out into nature helps me a lot. Find the sublime, it will make you realize how small a lot of the things your brain is making seem so big are. Gardening, birdwatching, and simple walks in the woods are good low impact activities, if you can handle it climb a mountain or high hill and look around at all the beauty in the world. I also find that trivia and word puzzles (crosswords, cryptograms, soduku, etc) work really well at keeping the mind occupied. Just watching TV can make things worse for me, as it often depicts either a "perfect world" that doesn't exist (but my brain insists it does and that I don't fit in it) or provides an overwhelming amount of what's real (stay away from news channels!).

Creativity is good. I am no artist so drawing/painting can be frustrating, however coloring books work well. I have about 3 and a set of colored pencils that were relatively cheap (dollar store) and have kept me going for a couple years now.

Feel free to shoot me a message any time.
5 years

New england meetup

Baba Yaga:
Would a Saturday work for everyone when the time comes?

If it were late afternoon/evening, otherwise Sundays are better for me
5 years

New england meetup

While i would like to go to this, i'm 20, so drinks would be off the table in a legal sense, i'm in mass so this sounds like something to look forward to, although it would be my first time meeting anyone else with this fetish irl

I don't think d&b cards at the door, just the bar. You should be fine.
5 years