Is this reasonable? an explanation of how i'm looking for noone

Idk why FF decided to put the emoji there it kind of ruins my hole reply šŸ¤£
1 year

Is this reasonable? an explanation of how i'm looking for noone

The definition of love is one of my favorite topics so allow me to jump on that boat as well.

Just a warning, I've never been into a serious relationship so far. I also understand that my view might seem to be very extreme in this neoliberal (for the most part i assume) enviroment.

What is love? The answer is that it's a feeling we've developed as a *social* pieces (thats important because not all animals... love the same) because it helped us survive. It's in our *human nature*! It's also important to note that this is not catholic, it's not apsolute.

Okay but how do i Vew it? Well, i think it's a human need. For example, and I'll use myself, I can't function properly without being loved. I really need someone to care for me and give me some attention. But it's not something i only wanna receive, but something i also feel the need, like i have a duty, to give back. And not in just one person. I have a very bad time lately, because i cant bring myself to enjoy anything that is not helping other people. I need, i really need to make people's lives better and in fact im disgusted by how, in our college, the way they teach us that subject is disconnected from making something for other *human beings* but exclusively something to provide us with profits!

And love should not be seen like something that people get because they deserve it, but because they need it. And for that, im trying to do my best at, attempting at least, to feel love about *everyone*. Im failing miserably now, but i think it's the way forward.
Btw i hope i wrote my points well and please... Pleeease criticize it if you have the time. I litteraly beg you, unironicaly, to comment on it!

Talk of duty reminds me of hard lessons.

I used to have an unhealthily self-sacrificing attitude toward even casual acquaintances. It took a long time to realize that I couldn't please everyone, and it wasn't my responsibility to read minds or predict people's desires.

I adore helping people still. I love giving gifts, and part of my attraction to being a feeder comes from the desire to spoil and nurture someone's growth and happiness.

And perhaps almost everyone needs love, or even deserves it--but it took me too long to realize that it was okay for me to not be the one to provide that love, or helpfulness, or even kindness.

I am human. I make mistakes. I am limited. To say otherwise is deluded or arrogant. And so I accept that some people's needs and desires are beyond my capability to provide--and it might always be so despite the possibility for growth on my part. I may try--if I feel I will find joy in the effort--but I will not see it as a failing if I cannot reach those heights.

To recognize these limitations and to accept them is part of a very important kind of love: self-love. To then set those expectations and boundaries based on what you can provide is a furthering of self-love as well as a means of showing compassion and openness to others. To do so requires vulnerability, and its reward is a greater understanding on everyone's part of what is realistically possible in a given situation. An empty promise of absolute devotion is only worth as much as wind. Better to make promises you can keep to those who will truly appreciate what humble gifts you can give.

I strongly agree with a chunk of what you're saying here. I think that it whould be very unhealthy to have an absolute devotion to any one person. However we're not talking about the same thing i belive. Your point of view feels especially individualized. I'm not in that page. I think that love *could* be the driving force of humanity (people think that "it doesn't work"smiley And for me, love is not only between two individuals, altho what you feel there IS love! But love is also what pushes us to do good things and most importantly, take care of other people.

What i disagree strongly with is self-love. In my judgement it's apsolutely toxic and it's a product of what i tried to explain in my previous reply. I won't follow it one bit, however that doesn't mean that everything is fine, quite the opposite. If everything was fine there whould be no space for self-love to be useful for.

We live in a dystopia. The worst one we've ever come up with.
1 year

Is this reasonable? an explanation of how i'm looking for noone

The definition of love is one of my favorite topics so allow me to jump on that boat as well.

Just a warning, I've never been into a serious relationship so far. I also understand that my view might seem to be very extreme in this neoliberal (for the most part i assume) enviroment.

What is love? The answer is that it's a feeling we've developed as a *social* pieces (thats important because not all animals... love the same) because it helped us survive. It's in our *human nature*! It's also important to note that this is not catholic, it's not apsolute.

Okay but how do i Vew it? Well, i think it's a human need. For example, and I'll use myself, I can't function properly without being loved. I really need someone to care for me and give me some attention. But it's not something i only wanna receive, but something i also feel the need, like i have a duty, to give back. And not in just one person. I have a very bad time lately, because i cant bring myself to enjoy anything that is not helping other people. I need, i really need to make people's lives better and in fact im disgusted by how, in our college, the way they teach us that subject is disconnected from making something for other *human beings* but exclusively something to provide us with profits!

And love should not be seen like something that people get because they deserve it, but because they need it. And for that, im trying to do my best at, attempting at least, to feel love about *everyone*. Im failing miserably now, but i think it's the way forward.
Btw i hope i wrote my points well and please... Pleeease criticize it if you have the time. I litteraly beg you, unironicaly, to comment on it!

Neoliberalism and love have nothing to do with each other. Neoliberalism is a political approach that favors free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending. For example, crypto.

For starters Neoliberalism is not *just* a political approach, but an ideology, or at least a brand of the Liberal ideology. This btw does contain that design, if you'd like, for how our socioeconomic structure should be.
I don't understand how you come up to the conclusion that these things have nothing to do with each other, they definitely influence each other. There is certainly a link between these two just like any other two things. the question is how strong this link is!

And here's something that you might find interesting. It's a paper that talks about the psychology of neoliberalism:

(and i hope i dont get banned for talking about how love is influenced by this just like I was banned for talking about politics, im just trying to explain my point in a bit more depth...)
1 year

Is this reasonable? an explanation of how i'm looking for noone

The definition of love is one of my favorite topics so allow me to jump on that boat as well.

Just a warning, I've never been into a serious relationship so far. I also understand that my view might seem to be very extreme in this neoliberal (for the most part i assume) enviroment.

What is love? The answer is that it's a feeling we've developed as a *social* pieces (thats important because not all animals... love the same) because it helped us survive. It's in our *human nature*! It's also important to note that this is not catholic, it's not apsolute.

Okay but how do i Vew it? Well, i think it's a human need. For example, and I'll use myself, I can't function properly without being loved. I really need someone to care for me and give me some attention. But it's not something i only wanna receive, but something i also feel the need, like i have a duty, to give back. And not in just one person. I have a very bad time lately, because i cant bring myself to enjoy anything that is not helping other people. I need, i really need to make people's lives better and in fact im disgusted by how, in our college, the way they teach us that subject is disconnected from making something for other *human beings* but exclusively something to provide us with profits!

And love should not be seen like something that people get because they deserve it, but because they need it. And for that, im trying to do my best at, attempting at least, to feel love about *everyone*. Im failing miserably now, but i think it's the way forward.
Btw i hope i wrote my points well and please... Pleeease criticize it if you have the time. I litteraly beg you, unironicaly, to comment on it!

One only tells themselves that something is a duty when they fear the possible consequences of not doing it, but won't admit or haven't seen that. Better to be honest with oneself and to trade fear for reason and perception. Our capabilities are limited, so there's no shame in being incorrect. Our minds are our tools, not our commanders. As social beings, it's healthy for us to talk to unabusive people in person at least once a week.

Perhaps duty is not the best word i could have used. What im basically saying is that i understand that other people have this need of being loved, and i want to (let's say) help with that, because that's something meaningful to me. And yes, of course we're limited and it's when we hit those limits that we progress, because then we push them even further!
1 year

Is this reasonable? an explanation of how i'm looking for noone

The definition of love is one of my favorite topics so allow me to jump on that boat as well.

Just a warning, I've never been into a serious relationship so far. I also understand that my view might seem to be very extreme in this neoliberal (for the most part i assume) enviroment.

What is love? The answer is that it's a feeling we've developed as a *social* pieces (thats important because not all animals... love the same) because it helped us survive. It's in our *human nature*! It's also important to note that this is not catholic, it's not apsolute.

Okay but how do i Vew it? Well, i think it's a human need. For example, and I'll use myself, I can't function properly without being loved. I really need someone to care for me and give me some attention. But it's not something i only wanna receive, but something i also feel the need, like i have a duty, to give back. And not in just one person. I have a very bad time lately, because i cant bring myself to enjoy anything that is not helping other people. I need, i really need to make people's lives better and in fact im disgusted by how, in our college, the way they teach us that subject is disconnected from making something for other *human beings* but exclusively something to provide us with profits!

And love should not be seen like something that people get because they deserve it, but because they need it. And for that, im trying to do my best at, attempting at least, to feel love about *everyone*. Im failing miserably now, but i think it's the way forward.
Btw i hope i wrote my points well and please... Pleeease criticize it if you have the time. I litteraly beg you, unironicaly, to comment on it!
1 year

I need a girl to cuddle with šŸ„ŗ

Bold strategy.

Its not. I didn't sit down to think about it too much, but i do try to be honest nevertheless!
1 year

I need a girl to cuddle with šŸ„ŗ

I just need it so bad! And also to be fed and fucked by her of course but most importantly be loved! >.<
I'd return the favors by being desperate to please her! šŸ„“
1 year

What is an "evil feeder"

For me it's more in the manipulation / abuse side of things, as a fantasy at least. The best example I can give is actually something like a story here on FF called "buried alive" in it the female feeder slowly traps her feedee and then manipulates his immobility to fatten him up without his consent until... well... the end
1 year

Let's see: do any of you play games?

I'm actually studying Videogame Art and Animation. And on my own i also study what's wrong with the Videogame industry and how to solve it!
1 year

Building community here feels difficult

Jasmine Honey:
anybody know any sites that are similar to feabie? i really liked the community there along with the global feedā€¦ Iā€™m still trying to find community here but itā€™s been rather difficult šŸ˜… is the ā€œforumā€ section here kinda like Feabieā€™s ā€œglobal feedā€??

Discord has a plethora of servers related to feederism. (if you look into the dashboard there are quite a few)
But that's only if you have discord. Most of these servers can be seen in a similar way to what the "chat" here is. But there are a few big servers that are different!
1 year