Ninja feeding

Maybe I spend too much time on here, but it surprises me that someone who has been on this site for nearly 3 years doesn't know the rules.
12 years

Too skinny in the fa community

I do wonder who these socially inept people are. Like "fatnclassy" said, you wouldn't go up to a girl in a nightclub and say, nice rack (although to do that now for a laugh is tempting). Are the rules for real life that much different to online, it seems to me that people get braver, or more stupid online because they can't be seen, or get a smack in the head.

An image has occured to me that some of these people that have no pictures, or been seen by other members here in public and say such things, is that they could very easily be under age. Those that are not, clearly would have no chance with any woman acting like they do.
12 years

Favorite song 2011

Piledriver Waltz - Arctic Monkeys, they just keep coming out with classics.
12 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

Great pics as always, loved the very natural ones best.
12 years

Intolerant people make me sick

This probably makes me sound as bad as them, but I find all those veins showing rather ugly. As for women body builders, the word "minger" comes to mind.
12 years

Toxic :) lulu - bbw in media

I've seen Lulu on Youtube many times and have to say she is as good as any pole dancer I have seen. Ok I've not seen that many, but she can do all the moves anyone else can and her floor dance routine is sublime. Just goes to show those that say you can't be fit and fat, how SO wrong they are. I just think everything about her is awesome.

As for Beth Ditto, I saw her at Reading 2007 and thought The Gossip were the stars of the festival. When she sang "Yr Mangled Heart", tears came to my eyes it was such an emotional experience. I've never seen anyone sing like that, with so much passion and feeling. Then to top it all as she was running around stage like a maniac her dress kept rising further and further, until you could see her panties and at no point did this stop her. She is without doubt one of the greatest female vocalists and performers.
12 years

Getting my girlfriend to gain?

Here we go again. I admit that this subject is getting a little tedious. However, I find people rubber knecking at accidents tedious and yet we still all take a look.

I've taken a look at this guy's profile and he is young, so presumably so is his girlfriend. As a result this is two young people exploring their sexual desires and preferences. Who knows she may really like it in time, if not thats ok too.

Early on in my relationship with my wife, she mentioned to me how she was really turned on by BDSM. I wasn't horrified, but I really didn't think it was for me. However, my wife persivered and we did try. I didn't enjoy it at all, yet we still did it on occasions, I just didn't make a good slave. Should she not have mentioned this to me, or co-orced me into playing her slave. Maybe, maybe not, however, I know had she not, she would have felt unhappy and not entirely sexually fulfilled. At least I tried it. Did this cause confrontation? To some degree yes, she would certainly would have loved it had I loved it too and it pained her that I didn't like it. The point is I may have enjoyed it and had she never asked, she would have been in that state of I wish I had asked, which would have been even worse for her.

What we have to take into account is this guy hasn't even asked his girlfriend to gain, just mentioned what he likes.
12 years

Getting fat for your health...

Life Expectancy: 79.78
Lower Quartile : 71.96
Median Lifetime: 81.28
Upper Quartile : 88.67

Good little test. I scored too high on having a really stressful year, which also led to me smoking again. Personally I think having no humpty dumpty in the past year has got to be a bit of a downer, but all it said was I was at no risk of getting Aids.
12 years

Quotes you like

I could recite so many great lyrics from favourite bands, but at present the "Arctic Monkeys" have my current fav.
"If you're gonna to try and walk on water make sure you wear your comfortable shoes" - Piledriver Waltz.
12 years


Thanks for this, although I do like to give a new person a chance (after all they may well be real), this imformation is very useful. I have to agree with if it's too good to be true, the person is either not true, or a lier. If someone seems like a dream, then it's probably best to quiz them a lot. Otherwise you can always settle for someone with loads of imperfections like myself.
12 years