Physical limitations of gaining

@ Benso5. Your wife if just about the same height as I am. But she weighs around 445-lbs. That is way too much weight for her on her 5-foot frame. Here, I am 213-lbs. and still have mobility. I cannot picture myself being 445-lbs. at that frame. Let alone, 300-lbs. There should have been a cutoff point of 250-lbs. Anywhere from 220-230-lbs. would be good enough for me.
14 years

Fans of hockey and favorite hockey teams

Not a big hockey fan overall. But this time, I'm going for the Blackhawks.
14 years


My BMI is at 41.0.
14 years

Comments people make noticing your gain

Your face is getting fat or you're getting a double-chin.
14 years

Your id. what's it mean?

A diva who happens to be on the chubby side.
14 years

Baseball fans?

Pride of the South Side. Pride of the White Sox.
14 years

The point of no return?

It would be harder to lose the weight once you're over 200-lbs. I have gained 75-lbs. from the once previous 130-lbs. People say I've gotten prettier since I gained a lot of weight. I can't go back to my normal size. Therefore, I threw out the diets and embraced all of 208-lbs. I love being fat and I am not going to change being fat.
14 years

When do you know you are fat

When your clothes get snug on you. I know that a size 20 is getting a little to snug on me. When your face starts to puff out and getting a double-chin like I have. I could no longer picture myself being thin. Also, when your belly is starting to get rounder and fatter. Therefore, I weighed in at 212-lbs. I'm worth the weight.smiley
14 years

Once you grow fat......

I've became more confident about my size when I've reached the 200-lb. mark. Enough of the yoyo dieting and be confident in who you are and not what other people think of you.smiley
14 years