
Here's the old logs of him doing this stupid routine, he's been known in the past as john102ish and chubbyishot.

5 Nov 11
[14:00:59] john102ish: cool
[14:01:22] john102ish: hey there

[14:01:27] fathappy: no i me3an none want to stuff you if your less than that
[14:01:53] john102ish: i see well i am less than that
[14:02:35] john102ish: i am way below that
[14:03:49] john102ish: well i mean i want a girl around 180 to 200 to stuff and have fun with

[14:06:12] john102ish: how u doing

[14:06:30] CuppiestCuppyCake: I'm good, thanks! You? :]
[14:06:39] john102ish: i am great lol just chubby and happy
[14:07:11] CuppiestCuppyCake: :] is there any other way to be? haha
[14:07:26] john102ish: hell to the no lol i am going to gain some weight
[14:08:36] CuppiestCuppyCake: Today has been long and exhausting lol up at 5am from rounds and then on my feet 12 hours *yawn* time to relax :]
[14:08:51] john102ish: yes it is

[14:09:18] john102ish: hey there
[14:10:26] john102ish: so anyone like to tlak in private

[14:10:57] john102ish: heyt ehre

[14:11:02] Stuffed_Mama_Bear2: hi (I should add that I know this one was a fake woman, lol smiley)
[14:11:12] john102ish: how are u doing
[14:11:19] Stuffed_Mama_Bear2: good
[14:11:37] john102ish: me to lol i think i should stuff
[14:11:48] Stuffed_Mama_Bear2: ok
[14:11:58] john102ish: yeah i am looking to thin lol
[14:12:17] Stuffed_Mama_Bear2: ok
[14:12:57] john102ish: i need someone to feed me

[14:16:34] john102ish: hey there how u doing

[14:19:00] john102ish: how are u doing

[14:19:12] ejg1987: pretty good you?
[14:19:31] john102ish: i am great chubby and happy
[14:20:46] john102ish: u there

[14:22:46] john102ish: u are one hot sexy chubby girl

[14:23:21] XgorgedNgorgeousX: thx
[14:23:36] john102ish: u are very welcome wish we couold stuff together
[14:23:46] XgorgedNgorgeousX: im not into men stuffing
[14:24:31] john102ish: what about is u got stuffed
[14:24:44] XgorgedNgorgeousX: not into that either.
[14:24:52] john102ish: what are u into then
[14:25:24] john102ish: u just like to eat

[14:25:34] XgorgedNgorgeousX: i enjoy being large.
[14:25:48] john102ish: well u are hot and sexy at that
[14:25:59] XgorgedNgorgeousX: lol thx
[14:26:14] geekybibabe: I agree, being large is highly enjoyable.

[14:26:46] john102ish: i feel like no one wants to talk to me
[14:29:08] john102ish: so who is into what on here
[14:35:02] john102ish: who would like to tlak

[15:41:49] john102ish: i thought this site would be fun it is just crap

[15:41:59] meggyloo: how orginal lol
[15:42:03] Saphiel Sir: >_>
[15:42:03] FlirtyRedHead: why is it crap?
[15:48:07] FlirtyRedHead: then do something different, idk what to tell u lol.
[15:48:26] bbw iKissed aka Kissy: yes
[15:48:29] iweissnicht: Girls are like technology, or building a computer... unicorns man, unicorns....... well cept not really, but nevermind why the hell am i writing this
[15:48:33] FlirtyRedHead: girls like confident witty men. well i do.
[15:48:37] FlirtyRedHead: idk about all girls
[15:48:37] john102ish: yeah no one does i just think i am not met for a gf
[15:48:49] FlirtyRedHead: k then
[15:48:53] bbw iKissed aka Kissy: girls have a single horn? I think you got the genders confused...
[15:49:07] bbw iKissed aka Kissy: lol
[15:49:14] meggyloo: girls dont like that talk
[15:49:18] john102ish: all girls want a fun guy that is sexy that likes them for them that has loads of cofendince and more
[15:49:52] bbw iKissed aka Kissy: lol
[15:50:00] FlirtyRedHead: that sounds about right
[15:50:20] john102ish: yeah well i am most of that but girls still dont lilike me
[15:50:23] bbw iKissed aka Kissy: ok
[15:50:51] FlirtyRedHead: well, dont take this the wrong way, but girls dont like when guys are complaining about how girls dont like them. it sounds like a pity party.
[15:50:56] iweissnicht: *cough*
[15:50:59] FlirtyRedHead: ugh
[15:51:03] meggyloo: amen
[15:51:21] john102ish: well i guess it is but hell id ont no what to talk about 4 years of trying and not even one yes
[15:51:23] meggyloo: im too lazy, guys need to come to me lol
[15:51:27] bbw iKissed aka Kissy: lol
[15:51:36] Sycatik: lol uh what?
[15:51:37] FlirtyRedHead: then change ur pproach!
[15:51:58] bbw iKissed aka Kissy: perhaps
[15:52:01] john102ish: like how b/c i am not witty i have nothing good to say but hey i am john and girls dont liek that
[15:52:23] iweissnicht: Just kick open a door with old spice and be like "HELLO LADIES!?"
[15:52:30] Troncat: lol
[15:52:36] FlirtyRedHead: k, then be single, you and ur hand will become best friends unless u figure urself out
[15:52:40] iweissnicht: Just be prepared to get maced
[15:53:31] john102ish: well they have and i dont no how to figure myself out i am a nice guy that is nice to everyone that would do anything for anyone that is doing things in life that and work on and fix anything is good l
[15:54:20] john102ish: so what else is there

[15:54:42] FlirtyRedHead: staying alone i guess
[15:54:44] the16th6toothson: fishing for life advice?
[15:54:58] john102ish: guess u are right
[15:55:05] the16th6toothson: the less you care the easier it gets
[15:55:19] john102ish: how does that work
[15:55:45] the16th6toothson: ya just quit caring so much and just do whatever you like to do regardless of what is or isnt going on besides the fact
[15:56:03] the16th6toothson: just live as live goes on, it'll probably just fall into your lap
[15:56:06] john102ish: i do that now and have my whole life
[15:56:25] john102ish: like i say i been doign that all my life
[15:57:20] john102ish: guess i am goign to go
[15:58:44] john102ish: bye

[15:58:50] FlirtyRedHead: bye good luck
[15:59:06] john102ish: thanks i need all the luck i can get may not have a house her soon
[15:59:56] john102ish has left the room General
[16:00:04] Saphiel Sir: He's deleted his account.
[16:00:10] OniGumo: who did?

[16:00:12] FlirtyRedHead: who
[16:00:20] Saphiel Sir: john102ish.
[16:00:21] FlirtyRedHead: the weirdo that left?
[16:00:25] Saphiel Sir: Yeah.
[16:00:25] OniGumo:

[16:00:26] FlirtyRedHead: not suprised
[16:00:29] OniGumo: that was quick
[16:00:32] iweissnicht: Thank god
[16:00:37] FlirtyRedHead: he was driving me nuts
[16:00:40] the16th6toothson: was he all b!tching?
[16:00:40] Saphiel Sir: Yeah, he's gone. Joined today and gone today.
[16:00:41] FlirtyRedHead: i feel like i was mean =[
[16:00:42] bbw iKissed aka Kissy: he can't change his approach so instead he starts over
[16:00:49] iweissnicht: "Feel sorru for ne I am lik b ad wi t girls n stff"
[16:01:01] iweissnicht: wow my spellin g is off
[16:01:06] the16th6toothson: blah blah blah heard it all before, grow up and/or a pair!

6 Nov 11
[14:47:12] chubbyishot has entered the room General
[14:47:52] chubbyishot: hey how is everyone i am new here
[14:48:27] Saphiel Sir: Welcome to FF. smiley
[14:49:23] chubbyishot: hey tehre'

[14:49:35] divinusthanatos: hi
[14:49:48] chubbyishot: how are u doing tonight

[15:28:45] chubbyishot: hey there

[15:42:40] chubbyishot: how guy here ready to talk toa hot chubby girl

[15:43:01] the16th6toothson: why guy here ready too!
[15:43:04] Ninjabread Girl: what is a how guy?
[15:43:11] the16th6toothson: smiley just bustin ya

[15:51:57] chubbyishot: very bored here
[15:52:09] Murphy: well you're not talking to anyone.
[15:52:23] chubbyishot: well no one is talking to me
[15:52:35] rubyripples: stop whining.

[15:52:47] Murphy: Try joining the conversation instead of whining.
[15:53:08] chubbyishot: what converstaion all i see is crap
[15:53:28] Murphy: Then leave.
[15:53:50] rubyripples: you said this yesterday when you were here with a different name. you act like crap, you get crap. how buck up or shoo
[15:54:25] chubbyishot: well this is site is not what is says it is

[15:54:40] Purple Sneakers: Ugh *block*
[15:54:45] rubyripples: does it say that you are entitled to chat with chubby girls?
[15:55:08] rubyripples: does it say that you will make friends by coming in with a bad attitude and being rude?

[15:55:12] chubbyishot: well it is called fantasy feeder
[15:55:21] rubyripples: and...
[15:55:25] chubbyishot: i have not done either u guys have
[15:55:38] rubyripples: i have the log from yesterday. drop it now

[15:55:39] Zackariah: gotta love self entitled jerks
[15:55:44] rubyripples: totally
[15:55:59] Purple Sneakers: Depends.. do the self entitled jerks have pizza?
[15:56:12] Zackariah: doubtful
[15:56:17] Purple Sneakers: What about chocolate cupcakes?
[15:56:18] chubbyishot: drop what now
[15:56:26] Murphy: I'm a feeder and have discussed my fantasies here. I've met several people from the site and hung out with a few on more than one occasion.
[15:56:31] rubyripples: the rudeness and whinyness
[15:56:47] chubbyishot: one i am not being rude u are

[15:56:59] Murphy: My method for doing so what not to complain about how people aren't talking to me about it.
[15:57:21] Purple Sneakers: Indeed
[15:57:29] the16th6toothson: maybe y'outta quite why you're ahead. no offense. take a step back maybe just come back tomorrow yknow?
[15:57:45] the16th6toothson: or wait to see if someonetalks about something you're into
[15:57:51] the16th6toothson: sometimes i'll just wait for that
[15:58:03] chubbyishot: no it will be the same then b/c i can fine now one on here that i can find anything in common with
[15:58:46] the16th6toothson: not my problem if you're that boring hahaha smiley
[15:59:00] chubbyishot: yeah i no i am u dont have to tell me
[15:59:57] chubbyishot has left the room General
[16:00:07] Saphiel Sir: He's already deleted his account.

[16:00:14] Murphy: lolol
[16:00:19] the16th6toothson: nobody likes me everybody hates me i think i'll go eat worms
[16:00:24] Purple Sneakers: really? that was quick.
[16:00:25] Saphiel Sir: I looked, he was still in the room but his account was gone.
[16:00:28] the16th6toothson: you're boring we share nothing in common
[16:00:30] rubyripples: LOL he must have deleted it before he left the chat room
[16:00:33] Saphiel Sir: Just like yesterday. *sighs*
[16:00:38] Saphiel Sir: He did, haha. smiley

[16:01:08] the16th6toothson: he'll be back under a new name to do it all over it again haha
[16:01:50] Ninjabread Girl: I have a theory that all the men on here who act like that really are just one guy
12 years


This fellow's returned for the third time, and he's been moaning again about not getting any attention. He follows this pattern:

1) Goes in chat and hangs around, tries to talk to people about gaining/fat/etc.
2) Rages and says the site sucks because people are ignoring him, when he doesn't get the attention he wants.
3) People get angry at him back.
4) He deletes his account.

He's never lasted more than one or two days here before deleting. He has told him off in the past. I told him off again today too and told him to give the site some time, though he didn't pay attention. Just making a note here since he's sure to whine again at some point.

Email: (always the same email)
IP: (same)
Joined: 20 May 2012 (this time, anyway)
Age: 20

Didn't get all of what happened with him today since chat went down for awhile, but here's some of it. He was moaning in both the General and Weightgain rooms.

General Chat:
[14:39:10] chubbyfeeder > fantastictn: hey there
[14:39:32] fantastictn > chubbyfeeder: Hey
[14:39:41] chubbyfeeder > fantastictn: how are u doing
[14:41:20] chubbyfeeder > fantastictn: how was ur day
[14:42:28] chubbyfeeder > fantastictn: i spent today being a piggy lol
[14:43:46] cutechubbybunny: cant sleep
[14:44:14] chubbyfeeder > cutechubbybunny: i sorry
[14:45:00] fantastictn > chubbyfeeder: I spent the day with a slew of people I haven't seen in several months, a ridiculously varied group of dishes, and one really big fence to weatherproof. smiley
[14:45:28] chubbyfeeder > fantastictn: lol
[14:46:02] fantastictn > chubbyfeeder: That and the few pages of Game of Thrones I could manage before I got sleepy.
[14:46:24] chubbyfeeder > fantastictn: yeah just today i felt snacking and ate all day
[14:49:04] fantastictn > chubbyfeeder: My family and friends make an event out of eating. I don't think we ever just eat one thing XD.
[14:49:27] chubbyfeeder > fantastictn: lol same here we eat everything and i mean al ot of it

[14:56:03] chubbyfeeder: anyone want to privat talk
[14:57:04] chubbyfeeder: ok this site sucks no matter what i have to say no one ever talks back
[14:57:14] Saphiel Sir: Round 3, eh?
[14:57:30] WitchyLaRoux: did I get here in time for a show?
[14:57:55] HIimHungry > chubbyfeeder: hi.
[14:58:30] HIimHungry > chubbyfeeder: acutally getting ready to head out for the night but thought I would say hi to ya. Dont be discouraged it sometimes takes time to get ppl talking
[14:59:02] chubbyfeeder > HIimHungry: well for me it never happens b/c i have tried i dont no how many times
[14:59:07] Saphiel Sir: It takes time for things to work on here... days...

[15:02:35] chubbyfeeder: dead again omg not supprised

[14:57:31] chubbyfeeder: this site sucks
[14:57:37] bobbyg321: nobody talks
[14:57:49] chubbyfeeder: yeah tell me about it no one ever talks on here
[14:57:57] bobbyg321: dont get why
[14:58:31] chubbyfeeder: me either hell i say something and no one ever answers it back
[14:58:54] bobbyg321: same
[14:57:50] Highbelly: Usually there isn't much to answer with
[14:58:57] AskDrFeeder > chubbyfeeder: Maybe if you said something good it would help.
[14:58:02] Highbelly: Just saying fat fat fat fat over and over is not a good conversation starter
[14:59:06] AskDrFeeder > Highbelly: Amen.
[14:59:17] bobbyg321: whats wrong with "hey" lol
[14:59:19] chubbyfeeder > AskDrFeeder: i do say samething good
[14:59:20] AskDrFeeder > chubbyfeeder: LIke what?
[14:59:55] chubbyfeeder > AskDrFeeder: this is a fanatasy feeder site i thought on here u wre to talk about fat and gaining and things
[15:00:15] chubbyfeeder: does not matter what u say on here ppl only talk to u if they want to
[15:00:25] Saphiel Sir: *sighs* Look, I remember you. This has happened twice before. You gotta give the site more than 24 hours to work for you, you know? Give it a chance... just relax, stay around, see what happens.
[15:01:16] chubbyfeeder: and all the girls on hre never say anything

Edit: He's deleted his account. Amazing that. smiley

His photo is below, he always uses the same one, so he can be recognised by that:
12 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Mattachu wrote:
Yeah, I think that the less-showy costumes means these guys have gone underground now. Although, one of the Seven Sages, and a bunch of Plasma Grunts, are in one of the game screenshots in their original gear. Anthea and Concordia are also in the back of that screenshot, so I'm curious if they'll play any more of a role...

Hmm, perhaps Team Plasma have split apart in their ideals somewhat. I'd say more, but that would be too many spoilers for a game that's only been out around a year or so, haha. Talking to the Sages post-game last time would seem to confirm changes in thought. Along with talking to all the Grunts in the final confrontation with Team Plasma.
12 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Well, Team Plasma got a makeover... no more knight getups. Gone from white clothing to black clothing, nice.

I wonder what Ghetsis looks like now without his sage clothing... since the rest of Team Plasma have changed theirs (undoubtedly due to the events of the last game), I can't see him still retaining his regal/wiseman outfit either.
12 years

Hey! can i get a little help!

Huh... whoever they were, they've deleted their account. Oh well. People have made good points here about photos though. smiley
12 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Right, lots more news here. Many old characters will be returning... and not only from Unova. It seems like there'll be a Pokemon World Tournament ingame where all the old gym leaders and champions will show up:

As reported yesterday, the June 2012 CoroCoro was leaked, and today we received information inside the magazine regarding Black 2 and White 2.

The first page reveals that Alder, Bianca, N, and Cheren will be reappearing. Bianca features a new design, composed of longer hair, new attire, and glasses. She has officially become Professor Juniper's assistant, and gives the player their starter Pokémon. Cheren has also been given a new design and is now the regional Normal-type Gym Leader, replacing Lenora, but still giving away Basic Badges. The Basic Badge is shown on the sixth page to be the first one obtained by players. N is still reported as missing, as not even Team Plasma knows his whereabouts.

The second page features the Pokémon World Tournament with every Gym Leader and Champion from every region taking part in single battles, Double Battles, and many other types. Participants featured are: Cynthia, Blue, Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Janine, Blaine, Giovanni, Volkner, Steven Stone, and Lance.

The third page focuses on a new feature, Pokéwood, which pays homage to Hollywood and is where the player may take part in filming Pokémon movies. The films feature a scenario chosen by the player, and a number of Pokémon battles. Homika's father is also revealed to have co-starred in films alongside Brycen. Pokéwood is also set to be featured in the Pokémon anime on June 7.

The fourth page goes into the Pokémon AR Searcher, which features the new Professor Burnet, and gives the Kami trio and their formes titles. Previous formes are now referred to as Keshin Forme, and the new formes are Reijuu Forme.

12 years

Skinny feeders and food issues

I'm a feeder, I'm fine with food though I have bad problems with acid reflux so to a degree I have to be careful with what I eat and how much/etc. I do love food though, not anorexic at all. smiley Chocolate is forever a favourite of mine.
12 years

Pokemon! ^_^

It's a lot faster and there's infinite TM use now, I'll add. smiley Plus Audino's (aka walking-sacks-of-EXP) and an adjustment to the experience system so there's generally less grinding overall, making experimenting easier and making things go at a smoother and quicker pace.
12 years