Confessions pt. 2

Forest wrote
whynot wrote
Forest wrote
Frabjuous wrote
Oddity wrote
Maximum wrote
shyguy99 wrote
I've never been laid.

that makes two of us smiley

Three! *waves* smiley

Four! smiley

Five! Let's have an orgy!

Six, and I think I will pass on the orgy thing.

Just kidding. Blind dating with random matches!

Stuffing part sounds good and those who want it can move into the orgy room later smiley
14 years

Confessions pt. 2

shyguy99 wrote
I've never been laid.

that makes two of us smiley
14 years

Beautifulpeople website culls 'fatties'

VoluptuousVixen19 wrote
"Dear Emmy ,

Unfortunately, your application to BeautifulPeople Network was not successful.

The members of BeautifulPeople did not find your profile application attractive enough this time round.

You are more than welcome to try again with a better picture of yourself.

To modify the content and picture in your profile and re-submit it for rating, simply follow these quick steps:

Open your Edit Profile Page: /home/editprofile/

Change your profile picture, and modify your profile text to make it more appealing to the voting members.

When you have completed modifying your profile, send it back to “rating” by clicking the “Vote me again” button below.

Please note that continuously re-submitting your application for rating, without modifying your profile, will result in your removal from the Network altogether. We advise you to change your profile picture before re-submitting your application.

Have you updated your profile?"

Okay this is where the site if full of crap.
They say they let the users decide who stays and who goes.
Well my average when the voting period was 8.34.
Now if you ask me out of 10 that's pretty good.

Guess I'm not beautiful enough to infiltrate them guys!

lol love ya Vixen smiley
14 years

Age checking

c00kie wrote
oh ok nehmind i can ban them apprently lol *n00b*

you were always a n00b smiley
14 years