What's your weight goal?

skizzles wrote
occidio wrote
If anyone wonders where your posts have gone, they've been deleted before they get out of hand.

As the delete function is the only way to clean up at the moment, I apologise for deleting the posts that had helpful info in them.

What weight made you finally feel nice and fat? What was the best part of weighing 400 pounds?


Occidio weighing 400lbs? Holy Dooly, that would be a sight smiley
14 years

Things that terrify you?

erlain wrote
I have terrible automatonophobia; fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being. Mine in particular doesn't apply to ALL types of dolls/puppets/etc, but most of them freak me out. For example, I never had a problem with Barbies, but don't let me anywhere around an American Girl store. Unless they're moving, mannequins don't faze me. But...I can't be in the same room as a Chucky doll. And I can't touch it. The "sentient being" part only applies to those that are humanoid. Any doll, puppet, animatronic that represents an animal doesn't freak me out.

Wow, thank you for putting a word to my fear, puppets and stuff like that scare the crap out of me, the closer they are to looking human, the worse it is, if it s an animal i don't care, but i just get so freaked out about puppets/robots/dolls/mannequins anything which tries to look human...
14 years

Things that terrify you?

PeanutButter and Kellye wrote
Whales. Thank you, Sunday school!


now, now, you couldn't possibly be as naughty as Jonah? smiley
14 years

Ripped/fit to fat

thexaulted wrote
I pretty much gave it up in exchange for what I wanted. I still work out but used to really be into it, the diet, the lifting and cardio. I was always getting comments about how I was built...now with that said! I had been a closet feeder for most of my life, and as I have said on this forum before, about 9-10 months ago I came out of the closet about it with my wife. I had been feeding and fattening her secretly for years. After coming out about it and feeding her even more she started telling me how she likes bigger men. I guess she kind of came out of the closet also. Now she keeps putting demands on me as I do on her, lol! Now at 230 lbs. or so I have somewhat of a gut and love handles. She's demanding 250+ lbs. What can I do....I want to feed her and want her gaining so I have to reciprocate. Don't mind at all!

lol, sounds fun as smiley
14 years