Whats turns you off

Admin Mode: Right, unlocked again now, peace y'all, keep to discussing 'what turns you off', thank you.
12 years

Whats turns you off

Admin Mode: *sighs* I understand the frustrations of some, but I request again that the topic regarding the 'trashiness/non-trashiness' of nudes end, please. smiley Discontentment with one another over it is probably best reserved to and dealt with via PM's or private chat rather than derailing the topic.
12 years

My thoery on double bellies

I agree with it being genetics. Don't forget we've got an awful lot of variance with our genes (even if less compared to other animals). smiley Look at how different we all look!
12 years

Whats turns you off

Rogue wrote:
How did we get from "what turns you off" to what is classy and what is trashy and whether nude pics have a thousand hidden meanings?

Turn offs and ons vary from person to person. What's a turn off/trashy for someone, might be a turn on/clashy for someone else. That's part of what makes us individuals.

Admin Mode: I agree with this, the discussion's getting off topic. Please go back to discussing 'what turns you off' everyone, the argument's not really going anywhere. smiley
12 years


I remember seeing a similar discussion here actually: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/infusions/forum/view-thread.php

Also, lots of people just simply don't bother to read profiles so you're out of luck. smiley

Saw this exchange happen one day in chat ages ago actually:

Girl: "Why didn't you read my profile?"
Guy: "lol dont wanna read it, simple as that".
12 years

Keirsey personality test

JustinNasty wrote:
Yeahhh back when I took it, it was free to get the specific one... but now its just the general personality :\

But if you read through the 4 more narrow ones, you can easily spot yourself.

Arg, that makes sense. x.x Oh well, INFJ for me it is then. I actually think I might have done this one ages back when it was free and got Counselor Idealist, the site looks very familiar.
12 years

Keirsey personality test

*raises eyebrow* This report just put me as an 'Idealist'... weird. smiley I would have thought it would be more specific... I so love specifics. Well, I choose to count myself as an Counselor Idealist, which is what it really should have marked me as, considering I get that on all such reports.
12 years