How much weight did you gain last year?

isn't there already a thread like this? anyways 15lbs, hopefully at last double that this year.
14 years

Fat spread

I prefer fat to be spread out, it looks much better, and i imagine is healthier.

Also, i agree with thechef, you're awesome shazzy smiley
14 years

Age checking

xFelicia has told me that her scanner is broken so she needs more time to provide ID, i told her to reply to the PM, not sure if she did or not.

She has assured me she is 19 as her profile says and i haven't said anything otherwise, just reminded her that either she deals with it or she will be banned.


Also, this guy so doesn't look 18, such a boyish face, i doubt he shaves yet smiley
14 years

Things that terrify you?

JustinNasty wrote
Just out of boredom and my own slight terror, wanted to start a thread about things that REALLY scare you...

None of this spiders, snakes, feet, axe murders business.

For example- Im literally TERRIFIED of being forgotten when Im gone, so I want to do something amazing one day to change the world for a greater good so Ill be remebered. Im also scared of losing my own goals and personal happiness trying to please the rest of the world and conform to others...

No criticizing each other please, just confess some fears and leave it at that smiley


I know exactly what you mean, that fear is basicly the centre of my existence and the source of my constant inner turmoil, the sole reason why i live and why i will die...

But yeah, i hate spiders too, nasty, demon spawned, wretches...
14 years

Ultimate gainer

I'd go on that show, the sexy chics alone would be great, let alone my own expanding body smiley
14 years

How much did you gain last year?

about 15lbs since, i don't even remember when i started, August i think? Hoping to hit 200lbs by the end of the year so thats another 45lbs smiley
14 years

Gaining seems to become harder in the future

I'd rather be warm and fat thanks smiley
14 years