Sidebar ads: wait what?

I saw one called "bigdick" which is an awfully funny name for a woman to have. smiley
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

boomstickdog wrote:
Neutral Good Human Ranger/Sorcerer (2nd/1st Level) No idea what that means but it sounds cool. smiley And according to the ranger thing I get animal companions. Ya just like Beast Master. lol

A ranger is more of a wilderness warrior and hunter/tracker. They have much knowledge of nature and often specialise in wielding two weapons or wielding bows. They also specialise in fighting certain types of enemies like dragons, goblins, or the undead and get combat bonuses when fighting them. Indeed, in this case they also get a loyal Animal Companion that gets stronger/tougher as they do, like a hawk, wolf or horse, and also have a small selection of often nature themed spells.

A sorcerer in the case of this quiz is a natural spellcaster with magic in their blood(as opposed to a wizard, who learns from books). They've got loads of 'juice'/'energy'/etc to cast with, though they have a limited selection of spells and don't learn more with study. They have a little skill with several weapons, and like wizards, can have a Familiar which is a magical beast that resembles a small animal and is unusually intelligent, also granting the spellcaster a bonus (example, a Cat familiar would grant it's owner a boost to moving about silently). They are linked to the soul of the spellcaster who will lose a hefty amount of experience if the familiar is killed or dismissed.

(for the curious, Harry-Potter-type-wizards are more a combination of both sorcerers and wizards, where here they're split up to limit power game-wise. Messenger pets like owls and toads are probably more like Animal Companions without extra combat bonuses, though Voldemort's pet snake Nagini is much more like a Familiar given their particular bond)

You're a mix of both. smiley I also added a direct link to the lengthy quiz to the first post.
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

Ariday wrote:
I was a Nuetral Good Human Bard (Level 4) who had from 11-15 in stats. I remember my wisdom was 15 and my charisma was 13 and that's the rest were 11 and one 12... dont remember what. So, umm, huh? Lol.

A bard is a kind of ancient (and in this case magical) singer/poet. They're often charismatic rogues that sing/play music to enhance their team/party, such as boosting their courage and fighting capability, and also have knowledge of folklore and other tales. They also have a medium selection of spells, usually involving charms and illusions, and some minor skill with a good variety of weapons, making them a jack-of-all-trades.

As for stats, 10 is about average where 18 is about the peak of human ability.

Strength: Represents muscle and physical power.
Dexterity: Represents hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance.
Constitution: Represents health and stamina.
Intelligence: Represents how one learns and reasons.
Wisdom: Represents willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition.
Charisma: Represents force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness.

Don't worry too much about the levels, everyone starts their career off as Level 1 and goes up as you adventure. smiley
12 years

Your star sign

-I don't disagree that he's entitled to his opinion but I wouldn't pop into I love blue popcorn thread and tell them how sad it is that they love blue popcorn.

-Blue popcorn isn't detrimental to the advancement of intelligent civilization.

Admin Mode: From the Guide to FF:

- We suggest you avoid thread-hijacking- this is when a member attempts to derail a pre-existing discussion and take it away from its original topic, even if it may be related. This behavior can be frustrating to members who want the discussion to proceed on course. If you wish to take a topic in a new direction that would otherwise derail the original topic, simply start a new thread for your own topic. smiley

To everyone in here, please don't flame anyone and keep to the original topic of:

What is (your star sign), and do the generally recognised traits/attributes match up to your own personality?

All derailing/hijacking posts have been removed. If you would like to discuss whether astrology is damaging to human civilization or not/etc, please start another topic, there is nothing stopping you from doing so. smiley

Edit: Also, someone unrelated to the prior conversation made a Hitler Ate Sugar style post, please try to avoid these, people, don't compare astrology to horrific acts when making your point please, lol. smiley
12 years

Just wondering

Huh, deleted their account. Oh well.
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

Oddity wrote:
I took the extra long one, and apparently I'd be a Neutral Good Human Wizard. smiley

I'd be a Neutral Good Human Wizard/Cleric, which makes sense I suppose. smiley
12 years

Seeking yum treats for my gf

I like both Cadbury and Hershey's, muahahaha. smiley
12 years

Webcam chat

Sorry, I'm going to have to lock this because the cams feature on FF is an incentive for people to buy a Gold membership amongst other things. smiley

Also shows can sometimes mean pay services which can't be promoted on here either, as a reminder to people just in case.
12 years


I've come across it moderately often. If they are obviously lying, cutting them off is the way to go, helps teach them that they can't pull that sort of trick with you and get away with it. I've got a very low tolerance policy for it all... there's far more people for me to possibly talk to than just waste one's time on a liar.
12 years