Fat future

Carolina_Dee wrote
Well they say that the number of obese people is growing over time, even in China. I think there will be a time soon when there are enough fat people here that we will be the average persons and that the media will realize we are a large market and not all of us want to be on a damn diet. I think we should stand up and fight for what we want and let our voices be heard.

yay, i'll fight for you my queen!

14 years

Bloated abs

Sounds pretty cool smiley
14 years

Gaining blog

lol don't worry too much about the plug, not many people check out the Blogs since they are for gold members only, it does seem sometimes like your blogging to a brick wall smiley
14 years

I ate half a pound of bacon today.

This Pear... So Delicious...
14 years