Were your gaining desires ever completely fulfilled?

Did it happen to any of you, that you wanted to gain weight, had a goal (maybe updated it a few times to a higher one as your approached it), and then finally reached that goal, so that you were satisfied with it and no longer want to gain more weight?

This does not include cases where you had to make a compromise due to health or mobility issues. I'm only talking about cases when you had a desire to reach a certain weight, and once you reached it, you had no desire to get bigger.

Is it even possible? Or if you have a strongly sexual desire to grow to a size which already imposes physical limitations on you, then it will just grow?

Many on this site who are big and are maintaining, usually state practical reasons.
6 years

Size preference (heightwise)

For me height isn't a huge deal either, but all other things being equal, I do prefer if a woman is slightly shorter than me.
6 years

Fantasy feeder is not story friendly

A large part of the community is not story-friendly either.

I mean quality stories.

You can write real literature, with interesting characters, beautiful descriptions, unique plot, but you won't attract an audience. If you want that, then you should first pick a title which sounds simple so people will click on it. The first word of the title, and the first word of the story must be a woman's name. Like "Lucy's gain." As a description write something like "Lucy is a girl who gets very fat". Then in the story, just start with an info dump of her weight and hair color. Spelling and grammar is completely unnecessary. Characterization is also completely unnecessary. Write a cliché plot about someone who always wanted to get fat (or a cheerleader who always wanted to stay slim but then she changed her mind on the fly without any explication, to become the fattest woman on the planet). Voilà, ten times more views and likes than the stories which try to bring quality.
6 years

What's your favourite cartoon fat guy/girl artist?

Besides kipteitei, some who were not mentioned:


Also GuardianDraca used to draw pretty amazing comics, but she is not active anymore. Might still find something on her twitter, occasionally.
6 years

Gaining tips for really skinny people ?

Isn't the best way to gain to eat most of your daily intake in the evening, when the metabolism is slower?

I think so because so many weight loss coaches always telling to eat most of your "calorie allotment" in the morning and eat very little in the evening.
6 years

Immobility, but how much?

You forget to mention that the red planet's landspace is continually blustered by high speed winds and dust stroms capable to rush till 60 mph, that the atmosphere much thinner and toxic and that the local temperature varies from 87 to 5 minus degrees Celsius.

Not if we terraform it first.
6 years

Immobility, but how much?

Maybe the future of obesity lies in the water.

Or on the Mars, where gravity is smaller.
A 300 kg (660 lbs) person is barely able to move on Earth, but would weight only 38% of it on Mars, that won't affect your mobility almost at all.

You would actually need to weigh 300 pounds in order to be able to move around, otherwise your feet will not have enough traction with the ground.
6 years

How to gain weight secretly

True, if you shine the "Yes, I know I'm fat, so what" attitude, and you look confident and happy, it's much less likely for people to pick on you and harass you for your weight.

Also, harassing people for their weight is more common for schoolchildren, most of them will grow out of it as they get older.
6 years

Bookmarks stories!

It would be really useful if we could bookmark or "watch" other people's stories, so that we receive a notification whenever a new chapter is added.
6 years

Does anyone else want to gain but feel like they can't?

I've known two young women who wanted to gain. Both were thin, both ate a lot, but they couldn't gain.

One of them then suddenly gained a lot of weight in less than two years, it was more then what she wanted, so she regretted it. It took her a lot of work to lose about half of it.

The other one is still unable to gain any weight at all.
6 years