Soft, weak fatboys enjoying their softening...

It's one of the benefits of having a fat little feedee. My fiance was never very strong, but as he's grown fatter he's become so easy to overpower it only makes me love him more. It's so easy to turn him over, or put him in the position I want him. Watching him get weaker as everything becomes more difficult is endearing.
6 years

60lbs in a year?

So very reasonable. It does, though, help if you're already chubby or plump, because you already have the habits needed to grow fatter. My fiance has gained. Fifty pounds already in the past few months - he's already fat, so it's easy for him to make excuses and it takes more food to satisfy him. Also, as he gets slower and it's harder to make certain movements, and excuses to stop trying, it's easier for him to gain.
6 years

Help making fattening regimen

Lots of Chinese food. Not real Chinese food, I mean the greasy, saucy, deep fried food they sell in most chains. I forget exactly how many calories General Tso's chicken has, but it's quite the caloric dish. I used to take the little man out for Chinese quite often. It's a shame about dairy but honestly you might have to get into pork or chicken, because there's nothing quite as fattening as pork if you refuse red meat. We don't eat pork but I know it's rather fattening.
Try to minimize movement - order your food on Grub hub or seamless or some other delivery system. Drive your car and I agree eat a lot of carbs- poundcake is a favourite snack of the little man's, pastries, etc.
One thing that also helps is eating foods which make you sleepy and taking 30 mins or so out to rest, even if you're not sleepy. It will help slow you down, and eventually you will get into the habit of eating a big meal and sleeping. Eat a second dinner before bed or in bed - a rich dessert, like brownies or cake. Or both
6 years

Submissive gainer

Yes. He was submissive long before he was fattened, but as he's fattened up he's become much more so. The other day I brought home a large scone and came into the room, took his book from his hands, and he ate it obediently right from my hand without saying a word. When I've had to admonish him recently he's become far more sensitive. I was merely curious about other feedees' experiences.
6 years

Post pregnancy weight and beyond

Feederism isn't just about tubes and funnels.
If she wants to lose weight, and you're making her gain, then she's not consenting.
6 years

Tasks that have become harder after weight gain

For the Butterball I think everything is more difficult. He's grown fatter still recently, and Sundays are days I see him doing housework. Everything is harder - he takes longer to get upstairs, and our washer and dryer are in a storage room in the kitchen, which now requires a little choreography on his part. I hear him getting breathless at times.
The tasks take longer, and he needs to rest in between. Also he feels the heat more than he used to.
During an obstacle course I made him go through, he had to touch his toes, which I now know is unthinkable. When he's weighed he can't see, I have to read the weight to him - when I choose to tell him.
He can't fit in his chair at the office, and the arms of the dining room chairs make him think a little more. Taking him on walks gets harder as he gets slower.
He's had to readjust his balance, and it's surprisingly easy to roll him over, assuming I stay in shape.
6 years

Girlfriend making me go to the gym

If I could presume to give advice, I would say you should tell her you don't mind being fatter, and I'm interested as to why you would feel bad if you got fatter and she got more fit. I don't mean to pry, but would you feel like you let her down?
She may come to like you fatter. When my fiance started putting on weight I thought I should tell him to get to the gym, but looking at him I realized he's so cute chubby. Now I really enjoy him fat and soft.
While you can't change her view or what she's doing you should tell her and perhaps she'll change her mind. I'm quite fit but I love having a fat little man around. You never know
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

As a FA, what is your favorite attitude in those who are gaining weight?

1. completely hating weight gain, trying desperately to become thin but failing, being miserable about it, comfort-eating, and inevitably getting fatter.

2. accepting that they will never become skinny, but trying to lose just a little bit of weight, not to become thin but just to be a little bit less obese. Occasional short and half-hearted diets here and there, which are not enough to stop the weight from continuing to pile up.

3. having accepted their fat bodies and being comfortable, just trying to maintain. Like, "OK, if I gain another few pounds I'll start a diet", but after it happens, pushing out the boundary again.

4. now wanting to gain per se, but loving food enough that they accept gaining as a consequence or as a price to be payed. They have no worries about it and they accept the weight gain, being confident with their bodies, but if they could eat more food while magically not gaining weight, they would choose so.

5. actually liking and enjoying the weight gain itself.

6. weight gain becoming the main drive, wanting to get as fat and as fast as possible.

What's it in fantasy, and what's it in reality?

For me, in reality I like 4 and 5 the most (if I had to order them from most to least favorite, it would be 5, 4, 3, 2, 6, 1), and in fantasy it's for someone to go through all the stages from 1 to 6.

The little man has been through the gamut, really. For the longest time I would say 1-3 have been his principle attitudes. How I have enjoyed watching him struggle and then sadly eat some more, knowing he hasn't the strength to fight it. He struggled with his weight as a kid, and I think he was born to fat, and watching his already weak willpower crumble and become a thing of the past has been satisfying. He will still occasionally say he's full, or that he should stop, only to reach his hand in for another handful 30 mins later.
Only within the past couple months has he enjoyed gaining. He's declined a walk "because I'm too fat" or has admitted "I'm too slow - because I'm fat" or can't fit because of it. He's now terrified of exercise and hates it. When we come back from a walk he takes refuge in his comfort food. He knows he's fat and will never be thin again. I think 4 is as high as he'll get. He knows he loves food and can't be separated from it.
6 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

A couple nights ago a friend came for dinner. After the butterball cleared the dishes she said, "He's gotten big, hasn't he?" When it was clear I liked this change she smiled and once convinced I approved we had him come in where she said, "you've certainly gotten fat, haven't you?" She asked how much he's gained and I told her, and I showed her how he's getting more round, how fat his side have gotten. She said she thought he was sweet. He went red but he looked pleased.
I got to show off my fat little butterball for ths first time.
6 years

Weight gain and weddings

This is more random things that have been happening lately.
The butterball has been on quite the spree lately - on Saturday he ate the entire yield of a box of pancakes (besides the two pancakes I ate), the yield of a box of waffles, three eggs with cheese on bread - and that was just breakfast.
On Sunday we went for a fitting for our wedding in June, and his family said he may as well not try on anything, as he'll probably be too fat for it by the time the day comes. At the rate he's going they're not wrong.
Last night he made a particularly good dinner and I complimented him on it, and he replied, "What's the good of having a fat little husband, if he can't cook?"
During the fittings his sister again tried to talk him into losing weight, but for the first time he didn't listen, or seem embarrassed by his weight. I heard him say that I like him fat, that he doesn't want to lose weight anymore, and that he's quite content.
It was nice to hear, and not a bad start to the week.
6 years