Updating sexual orientation options

Hi all,

Just wanted to give an update on this. Hiccupx has made changes to the gender and sexual orientation options today.

Gender Options:
• Male
• Female
• Trans-Man
• Trans-Woman
• Non-Binary
• Other

** Please note that as the previous category was Transgender and did not differentiate between Trans-Man / Trans-Woman. The majority of members using the Transgender label were Trans-Women, so we have changed the Transgender label to Trans-Woman as this affects most users and added a new label for Trans-Man. This means anyone who identifies as a Trans-Man will need to change their gender as it will have been updated to Trans-Woman.

Sexual Orientation Options:
• Straight
• Gay
• Lesbian
• Bisexual
• Pansexual
• Asexual

Cheers everyone!
FF Team
1 year

Gender identity choices

Hi Jelly Rolls,

Thanks for your suggestion. It is a suggestion that has been made previously in our feedback forum and is on our to do list.

When we start working on the profiles section of the site we will add further options for gender and sexuality.

I am going to lock this thread as this is something we will be changing.

Cheers for getting in touch.

FF Team
1 year

Graphic novels

Hi Letters And Numbers,

This is just a place holder for the moment. When recategorizing our story section we had lot's of suggestions and ideas from members. One of which was to introduce Graphic Novels, with the ability to add images to stories.

So while this is something we hope to introduce soon, its not currently an active feature.

Apologies for any confusion, I will speak with hiccups to see if there's any way to temporarily remove or grey out for the time being.

FF Team
1 year

Beware fake accounts

Please do use the abuse report button on profiles you think may be fake, scamming or content stealing.

Some users may not be as savvy and recognise that they are being taken advantage of until its too late.

Better to be safe than sorry and keep the community as safe a space as possible!

Thanks all!

FF Team
1 year

Going mainstream?

This sounds amazing! Can't wait to see the episode!

Well done for being open and spreading a positive message about the community!

Very exciting!

FF Team
1 year

My story title keeps resetting.

Thank you for raising this as an issue. It's not a bug I am aware of, but will highlight this with hiccupx so we can take a look at this!

FF Team
1 year

Profile update - we would love your input!

Hi Chef Feeder,

Some great ideas. thank you for your input. I especially like the idea of being able to just hide questions that aren't relevant!

As munchies has advised above, the gainer section is a section for members who are actively gaining to post their progress and give updates.

Hope this helps,
FF Team
1 year

Profile update - we would love your input!

As this would be a new section on the profiles we are asking specifically for feedback about this.

Thanks for binging up the gender labels again, this is something we are going to be making changes to and will be changed once work gets underway on the profiles.

If we could keep feedback to this specific new profile feature / area that would be great.

We did speak about other kinks such as stuffing, padding, vore, inflation and were not really sure how to display this...Maybe we could have a tag / keyword area where you can add all your interested in. Do you think that would be appropriate, or do you feel it would need a specific section to discuss in more detail like the examples above?

If we had a tag area, we could have the option to add other labels. For example if your mainly an FFA you can have that as the section with the detailed questions. But in the tag kink area you can also add *Feeder - so its part of your interest but not the main aspect...

Thanks for your feedback so far, really appreciate it!
1 year

Not a fan of the changes to profiles/activity

Hi PlumpPrincess,

That's not an intentional change, the updates to the activity page should have been visual only, and this appears to be a bug.

I will report this to hiccupx to get this fixed asap!

Thanks for letting us know about the issue!

Take care,
FF Team
1 year