I feel like i can’t fall in love?

Okay I’m 18 and I just started college. So basically I have liked guys attractive and have liked guys from afar like celebrities or people I have never talked too but I have never liked someone for their personality in a romantic way. Like the guys I would have crushes on, I had this fake idea of who they were and I thought I was in love with their perosnality but I just ended up making up who I thought they were. I just don’t understand what it feels like to fall in love with someone’s personality I guess. I’m gay and in the closet so I’ve never dated but I’m just scared I’ll never be in a true relationship because I feel like I’m incapable for falling in love with someone. The relationship would just end up feeling like a friendship. Does anyone have any advice?

Wait. The one is coming, there's plenty of time.
4 years

New york stuffing party

Does anybody know of anything that could make for a good time/place specifically then around the city? I’m assuming that would be best for everyone as a group?

I'd prefer to not go into the city if possible, but if the southernmost tip of the state is most convenient for everybody I guess I could
4 years

New girl and gaining

What you do, imo, is leave. No one gets to give you an ultimatum on your own body.

She's probably not attracted to fat, which honestly the majority of people aren't. But she chose to date you, so it's actually her that needs to be reasonable.

It's your body. You control it. And if she's the type to give "stop X or lose me" threats, I can pretty much guarantee even if you give in that it's a matter of months before she issues her next ultimatums to change you.

Well said!
4 years

Wearing jeans under or over belly?

Under is so much more comfortable
4 years

New england meetup

Following this. Sounds like fun!
4 years

Strange fetishes related to fat.

me you another chick

taking applications? smiley
4 years

Has anyone else gone through obesity their childhood? if so how has it impacted you

I was a fat kid, the middle child between a couple of sticks. I was also their cleanup crew when we went out to eat, earning me nicnames like garbage gut.
I was above average in size both weight- and height-wise, which made clothes shopping a nightmare. Nothing fit right, the horizontal or the vertical. We would always shop for my siblings first, which usually went quite smoothly. Then my mother would make the announcement that it was time to go look for "size elephant" (for me). The battlles that followed were epic. My mother was hooked on being "normal" and keeping up with the Joneses so we always started with whatever size an (x)year old was supposed to be. No matter how many times the doctor told her I was in the upper 90 percentile for growth, we always started there, even if I was already in a larger size. Multiple items were tried on, all being tested and tugged and yanked up or down. Nothing better than a wedgie from Mom in the dressing room SMH. This led to serious anxiety around shopping of any kind, but especially clothes shopping.
When I was 16 I started working at the mall and eating nothing but fast food. My job at Baskin Robbins provided money for more food, candy, and weed- which required more food and candy-as well as a take home every night I worked. It started as a pint, that quickly turned into a quart. I blew up to 220 before moving out of my parents house at age 19.
Once I moved out poverty took quick control of my diet. After bills were paid there was no money left for junk food. I don't have a car and I was walking two miles a day to work and often two back. I dropped fifty pounds in about a year with no conscious effort. I worked very physical jobs that kept me in shape no matter what I ate, up until this spring when I took a driving job.
As I sink further into "driver bod" I'm remembering how much more popular I was in the dating scene and how powerful I felt taking up space back then. As my curves are coming back I feel sexier and more confident. Garbage gut is making a comeback too as I'm becoming a bottomless pit again smiley
4 years

What's best foood to bloat yourself quickly?

Bloaty boi:
After eating what am I going to get the best bloating effect quickly?

Selfmade weightgainshakes:

Heavy cream/full milk/sugar/Nutella/wg-powder

After every meal a blender of 500ml.
You will blow up and gain rapidly!

Bloaty boi:
And if I don't own a blender?

Walmart $9.88
4 years

Are stretch marks sexy

I like tats anywhere really, as long as they're well done art. Stretch marks are the bomb, can't wait to get some new ones!
4 years

Fat fall fun....

Very interesting
It would take a lot of planning to pull off. Yellow Jackets could be an issue and there would need to be “rest” stops. I don’t know which side I’d rather be on though...

Didn't consider yellow jackets. An occasional bench could be placed, not sure the corridors would be too long
4 years