Building community here feels difficult

Jasmine Honey:
anybody know any sites that are similar to feabie? i really liked the community there along with the global feed… I’m still trying to find community here but it’s been rather difficult 😅 is the “forum” section here kinda like Feabie’s “global feed”??

Can't speak to the Feabie aspect because I've never been on the site. I will say that if you are wanting to chat with randos, the forums are your best bet. After that is chat, but that's pretty hit and miss.

Chat's not all bad. I've had some good conversations and made some friends. But there are times when chat's a ghost town or there's a bunch of drama. And, of course, the creeps.

I propably fit into two of the cases you mentioned 🤣
1 year

Something interesting happened with chat gpt

Chat GPT is deeply, and i mean DEEPLY biased. If you want some inspiration, you have to be very careful with pushing or not, certain narratives that it gives.
1 year

Oh my goodness, oh my damn, i'm going ham

Wait... I still didn't get it😅
Can someone explain the obvious to an idiot like me?
1 year

Who here started as feeder/fa and turned a 100% feedee?

For me it evolved gradually. I was extremely hesitant to admit it, until i met a lady that forced me to! I've been very horny about that transition, ever since!
1 year

Dear ladies of ff

Not for nothing- considering some of the things OP has said in chat, this is likely a troll post.

That said, proud of what else has been said.

Seriously, how do you come to the conclusion that I've put all the effort to write this post about this very serious issue, just to troll?
I'm not the type of person that likes to troll in the first place because i belive in honesty! That's what im trying to do!
And as i said Munchies, i belive i have trouble in communicating what i want. Writing down my thoughts in a way that people will understand what i have in mind!
Im litteraly asking you to explain to me, im hopes that i could find what i do wrong. Can you please help me?
1 year

Dear ladies of ff

Calling them out isn't gonna do much. I'm trying to say that, okay call them out, and then try to actually explain to them why what they're doing is bad as well! Because it harms others! That last bit is the importand one! And im trying to do that! It's not even uncomfortable, but it's very hard to achieve!
But after you've done the first bit, it's a great chance to also try to educate them! Don't let that chance go to waste!

Calling my friends out comes with the fact said friend has just earned my wanna continue to disrespect women/minorities? You will lose me as a friend.

As for others, it's just simple social pressure: people can just feel the disapproval in the tone if nothing else. Others may start to agree with you...or at least ask you what that was all about.

Personally, I don't try to teach people stuff unless they ask (proving they might actually be receptive to a new idea).

It turns out trying to bring up facts & logic as a way to change someone's mind or behavior virtually never works. It all stems from the fact that most will never trust your words as credible over their own sources...and it doesn't matter how right you are either.

So in conclusion, the best you can really manage is to make it hurt...make the misbehaved feel that they might lose something if they continue.

Also, sorry for the self righteous tone, I'm still learning about writing like this. I hope this is still just a discussion, and really I just wanna save you alot of waisted effort if I can.

Its okay! And im really glad you put the effort to write and share your thoughts with us!
And I get your point, it's a really really hard thing to get around that! However im thinking that if i were to only inflict pain, that's more likely than not, to push the other person into an even more extreme mindset, as a reactionary move to defend! Usually that's what happens! Also, what ethics justify inflicting pain to be better than trying to be honest and understanding?
Like, i know that's the good old and tested way of doing things but as i explained, it's not something that works often here in my judgment! And especially that, is something to be taken extra care of because we need everybody to be able to be a decent human being!
In short, trying to punish is the easy way of trying. It's not the effective one! And i get why that's what people do, they don't have much energy left to deal with it! And that's why I've made this thread. To start a conversation of, can we do better?

And you know what? Hell yeah we can! We haven't reached perfection to be unable to improve! And I've said it a couple times now. It whould be hard, for sure! But it's gonna be for the better!

Anyways i hope im also communicating my point clearly (i doubt that i do, by the looks of it)
What do you think?
1 year

Dear ladies of ff

Social structures foster sexism.

Social structures are neutral. They neither encourage nor discourage sexism. You have confused social structures with value systems.

Eh, no. Social structures at every level across all Western societies foster sexism to varying degrees.

The term "social structure" is so broad that it encompasses everything - even groups actively working against sexism. That's all I'm getting at. While most people refer to social structures on the macro scale, the term also applies to the meso and micro scales. This would, inadvertently, include anti-sexism spaces as well.

The issue isn't social structures so much as it is a complex blend of social values and institutions. The act of having a social structure isn't inherently one thing or another. It is the values imbued within the social structure that makes it sexist.

And that is entirely correct. I wasn’t saying that all social structures do. By “social structures foster sexism” I was making a deliberately terse point, because that was in essence all that I understood OP to be actually saying.

Our current one definitely does! Even previous ones have! And my point is that it won't go away unless we alter our socioeconomic system as drastically as the French did in their revolution, or the Bolseviks did in the soviet.
And we have to take into account aaaaaaaaaaaall these parameters (patriarchy, classes {workers, capitalists}, matket, enviroment catastrophe ) and build something that can effectively run without these! Many models exist! And some of them have been even tested! Anyways if in any case it does interest you, feel free to dm me to talk about! I'd love that!
1 year

Dear ladies of ff

Calling them out isn't gonna do much. I'm trying to say that, okay call them out, and then try to actually explain to them why what they're doing is bad as well! Because it harms others! That last bit is the importand one! And im trying to do that! It's not even uncomfortable, but it's very hard to achieve!
But after you've done the first bit, it's a great chance to also try to educate them! Don't let that chance go to waste!
1 year

Dear ladies of ff

The purpose of the forums is to educate, right? There could be more people seeking to educate, and to do it in an effective way. That will have some result. That's why i wrote this thread in the first place! Regardless, i hope that you'll find what you need, comrade! (:

You are correct that patriarchy isn't the source of all society's ills. However, it's an enormous leap from "Wow, women sure do have a hard time" to "We should abolish the system because it hurts everyone and rebuild it from the ground up."

I don't care if you are into anarchy, but how will that help systematized patriarchy? Because patriarchy has been around far longer than capitalism. Abolishing capitalism would not abolish patriarchy.

As I said before, patriarchy is both an individual and a systemic issue. Tackling one without the other is ineffective.

You are focusing on too much at once, and it's making you directionless. You are also not keeping in mind who your audience is. This is a fetish site. People come here to escape and be horny. While there's always space to discuss treating people as equals, no one wants to discuss politics or economics. Even the numerous posts discussing gender issues will only discuss them in the context of the site and fetish.

So, if you want to have these deep, complex discussions, it would be best to do it on a better platform.

I get this! but I'm also saying that in this site there could be a place for people to learn to have, if not empathy, then at least some more basic stuff like respect and patience.
This should be done in a socialist basis, in other words, it's goal must be to be as useful as possible!
I don't think any part of what i just wrote is irrelevant to this site! I
I just wish to see that, because with that other attitude of "everyone is responsible for themselves" we're clearly not making any step at all!

Enas, if you want to make a difference, then you can start by being empathetic towards people. Based on our previous conversations, you struggle to do that. Once you've worked on yourself, then you can turn outwards and talk to other people.

How do you arrive to the conclusion that what i struggle id bring empathetic to people?
Seriously, im asking because what i find myself struggling i think, is communication! I hope i dont bother you by asking im just left really confused!

Have you forgotten all of the sexist and racist things you've said to me? The boundaries you've crossed because you don't think they matter? How you've actually said that empathy and respect aren't necessarily important?

Because I haven't.

Alright now i get why you think that.
But, for one, you've based that on what i *told* you (and that's obviously where my bad communication might ruin my point)
Also you're propably remember it a bit too blurred. I think empathy is the most importand thing in humans.
And second, that was what? 3 months ago? I've been changing a lot during these last, grinding 3 months!
Edit: i apologize if i sound mad or something, im just trying to make my point clear 😅
1 year

Dear ladies of ff

As a woman of color, I'm not sure I agree with your statement concerning Western societies being the best form of civilization. Especially since, in my country, my rights are being stripped away. I don't want to live somewhere else, but I know that my living situation is not the best.

Which rights did you previously have that are now being "stripped away"?

And please tell me one other time period or other civilization which you would rather have at your location, instead of the current one.

I never claimed there is nothing to improve. I was only against the idea of demolishing everything and being so conceited as to believe to be able to build a better one.

Uuuh, the French revolution?
1 year