How can others order food for you using this platform, can you have a account delivery code or does it work some other way?
1 year
Food tester I would do really good at that.
1 year
I have no tips sorry, but if that’s your genetics it may be hard to fight. My father and other sibling are skinny like 10 to 12 stone. So I just have fat gene’s. All you can do is eat as much as you can and do not exercise much.
1 year
You know your fat you can never get across the road before the red man flashing.
1 year
The last three months the food cost has gone up a lot I would say 15 or 20% at least. It makes gain and keeping my current size very expensive. Any ideas on how to maximise the budget with food that still good to eat?
2 years
I have to say that being unable to walk or get out of bed is not an aim, but as I enjoy gaining and being over 500 lbs already it could happen. I do not walk as much as I did a year ago, I get out of breath much more now and need to sit more than I stand. But as I am still wanting more fat on me in all areas, I can see my mobility going down more in the next year.
I will add to the above, that no fantasy I have about fat does involve be unable to move even most huge visions of me. I can still waddle about.
In reality I do try and walk as much as I can, and I do walk/run in the pool 3 times a week for an 1hr plus other flexibility work to ensure I keep my leg and arm strong. That way to keep me as active as possible at my current weight and max the weight i can be.
2 years
I admittedly don't get out of my house and into the public too often - I work from home and have very long hours, so my typical "outside" time is to get groceries or to occasionally run to the pharmacy, etc...
When I occasionally DO get out to a department store or a place with lots of PEOPLE, I have a constant internal struggle about how I interact with fat people. Do I gaze admiringly or in a friendly way to let them know that I'm an appreciator? Or does my gaze instead make me look like I'm either a critic or worse... a creeper?
So I tend to be discreet about my Fat Fandom - unless we make ANY conversation, at which point I will probably be extra friendly and attentive (which might give off the same vibes?)
I'm glad you are confident about yourself. Know that not every stare or glance is necessarily a mean one. 🥰
I say if you like what you see take a short look maybe 5 sec once or twice but no more to be mindful of the context if people are out shopping that what they have in mind not being look at maybe. If your look is one of, I like what I see, the body language will be plain enough to detect.
2 years
Yes, there were definitely times and places in my life when and where I felt less comfortable to be me. I think a lot has to do with how at ease some one is with themselves deep down. Even though I have always been bigger and liked myself that way, I definitely used to worry more about what others would think about when I was younger.
Yes, well said. It is all worry about what they will think the anxiety that develops. I have decided to give those issues the heave-ho.
2 years
Once I would try and hide or cover up my size. More likely just kidding myself that I was. Now I do not try. So I now look for reactions to my fattness from a mild look to full on stare. Reaction from your above average size to holy shit how do you move. What are your feelings to public reactions and do you embrace them. As long as not verbal abuse or looks of distain that is.
2 years
Food: 3 large pizza, 2 garlic breads, 2 Lites of coke. The ice-cream and chocolate custard late on.
Out and about - broke a cafe chair it was plastic, got struck in a narrow tour bus I was wider than the isle.
At home got down on the floor when i was 490 lbs and could not get up had to roll over to the couch then use that to push on to stand.
2 years