I'm really pissed off...

I know insecurity is very unattractive, I can't think of any dating add that says insecurity is is desirable. However, the truth is we all feel insecure about something, you could empathise with these girls insecurities about their weight, by looking at your own.

I am generally a very confident person, but not all the time. At present, I am a bit insecure about my age, whilst I don't look, or act it, I am 50. A girl of about 20-22 hit on me the other day, when taking her home in my taxi. My initial thought was she wanted a cheap cab fare, but she had already paid. So what was I worried about? Well, it did seem a little odd to me that she said she finds older men attractive, what was her motive?

Now look at those girls, they probably think something simular. Why would a man find my fat attractive, when they have been bombarded with reasons as to why fat is ugly. Could it be that he thinks I will be an easy lay etc, etc.

In this day and age, anyone who has never had any insecuities is just arrogant.
12 years


foxglove wrote:
rubyripples wrote:
[quote]Also, remember I'm a Mod on the site and i've been here for six years. I've been a shoulder to cry on for many members who have been drawn in and lied to. If you suspect the person you are chatting with isn't who or what they claim to be, give me a pm or talk to me in chat. I won't give out any private member info, I am very strict about confidentiality.

Thank you Ruby and the other mods who provide this invaluable service voluntarily and out of your own free time smiley Not everyone may agree with every Moderator decision ever made on this site, but vigilant & where necessary kind moderation makes this site feel totally different to other sites.
This is the sort of thing that puts FF ahead of any other site, warms your heart really.

Have to point out Layla's comment too, as there are some who do have the odd problem, that could easily make them seem fake. Took me ages to post any pics and that was with help from one of my daughters, didn't even know how to use Skype until someone showed me. However, bar the computer illiterate, everyone else, certainly the young, should be able to prove who they are.
12 years

Regarding pictures on ff

There are a great many who appear on both sites quite happily and enjoy both sites for what they have to offer. Some get unhappy with one site and then move to the other sometimes too.

As for the legalities of stealing pictures without consent, I'm a little foggy over what is and isn't really allowed. What I can say is that it is immoral if nothing else. That said, as many have pointed out to me, this is the internet and it happens all the time, from Facebook, Myspace, Here, Curvage and just about any site you can name. That doesn't make it right, but it does seem to be something that would be near impossible to stop. We on this site used to be plagued with men pretending to be women and to some degree this still must be going on, it's something that Scrambledegg, in particular, really hates.

I try to go along with the flow on both sites, but do feel there is one part of Curvage that I don't like and that is the Candid Camera feature, as it just seems creepy. On the whole though, the site has many very decent people on it, that's most definitely the case with the moderators/fun police. I applaud "Sleeping with the Enemy's" attemp at building bridges. However, I fear this issue will not be solved until administrator's on this side and Fun Police on the other side, become members of both sites and can solve some differences of opinion and not as just slanging matches, but as a respect for each site. That though, may take some time.
12 years

Uk ladies fattest in europe

Makes you proud to be British, at least we are finishing first in Europe reguarding something.
12 years

List 5 fave comedy programes!

1. Blackadder
2. Only Fools and Horses
3. Extras
4. QI
5. The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin

Some that nearly made it - Faulty Towers, The Simpsons, Outnumbered, Red Dwarf, Open All Hours.
12 years

Kinda upset but not.....

Whenever anyone says anything nasty it must hurt. Society hasn't caught up with us yet, so there are bound to be idiots who want to insult you, they'll be blaming fat people for the recession next.

The sheep who follow media pressure and those in denial can make such stupid comments, but the truth is that there are more and more people realising the beauty of fat and that it doesn't mean you are unhealthy. Holding yourself with confidence will help and hopefully make these comments decrease. In any case you are a beautiful girl and you should get plenty of positive feedback on here.
12 years

Five foods you cant...

It's really difficult as there are so many foods that I love.
1. Garlic Prawns.
2. Fillet Steak.
3. Bacon.
4. Extra Strong Vintage Chedder, that makes your tongue itch.
5. Wine Gums.
12 years

Why did you first join ff?

Originally to perv over all the gorgeous girls, although it's developed into a bit more than that now.
12 years

... i dont understand...

Cookie22 made a really good point as to the size of the inbox. If I was a girl receiving 50+ messages a week and trying to keep up with people that I already have conversations with and then replied to even more my brain would get scrambled trying to remember who was who.

One thing that must be remembered about FF, is that it isn't a dating site, but that dating is a part of it. Also, some people use the dating part to desribe more about themselves without really having much intention of replying to messages that often, or at all.

When I do write a message I tend to write more than one line and give thought to what I plan to write. If I was messaging several people, I really wouldn't have the time to keep up with loads of extra messages, which must be the case with the women on here more than the men, as I know they get overloaded.
12 years

This thread is about football.

CHELSEA and have been since 1968, god that makes me sound old. Been a bit disappointed with our start to the season, but we will still end up in the top 3 come the end. Maybe we will do well in the cup competitions.
12 years