If you went to a cosplay convention...

I've never cosplayed, but I've been considering making an outfit for Nathan "Rad" Spencer, from Bionic Commando. Buffing up is not going quite so well though, I've seem to hit a wall.

Edit: Speaking of which, does anyone know where I could find a dark green tanktop? Pic related.
13 years

New at this

Hey if you need someone to talk to irl I'm available. From what you wrote I'd have to agree with the above, you've probably lost muscle but gained fat.
13 years

Fas that like thin girls?

canadianenglish wrote
Okay I am totally bored of this damn argument. How many people know a persons personality before they become attracted to them? I see women in the supermarket I am attracted to... do I know their personality... beyond choosing Pepsi over Coca Cola... no! Am I being too blunt?

I find this personality trumps attraction argument really pious... if you have the fortune of meeting a woman/man regardless of body size or level of attraction in a work place environment or in a group of friends then by all means allow personality to win over, but I really believe regardless of the dreamers- that attraction is a vital part of the initial stages of a relationship. If that makes me shallow, then yes I am... sorry.

It's what takes a relationship further than a date is a girls personality and I'm damn sure the same applies in reverse.

Thanks for getting the thread on topic, I've been trying to think of a way to phrase it correctly. I intended the question purely as physical attraction.
13 years

Ask the girls/women!

OK, based on what you guys are saying let me try a few example pms. Ladies may critique and us men can learn how to speak to you in a way that garners a response.

(assume I'm a uk guy interested in chubbyhoney for the purposes of example)
Hello, Chubbyhoney, from what I have read on the forums you come off as a wonderfully strong and confident woman isn't afraid to express her opinion. I am also from the UK and would love to meet a woman like you who is happy with who she is. Perhaps we could get/go to (insert coffee, movie, whatever) sometime?
Can't wait to here back from you,
13 years

Fas that like thin girls?

Reaper42 wrote
For myself, I do find some skinny girls attractive (mostly actresses and a few in real life) but its more like art appreciation and thinking they have a pretty face than any sort of sexual attraction. Though in the event that I fell for a skinny girl because of her personality I would probably come to find her sexually attractive through the magic of oxcytocin. Though it probably goes without saying I'd prefer a girl with looks, personality AND curves.

Like art, huh? I can understand that, and it's actually a good way to put it. For myself it's more of a matter of can she pull it off, some girls I can see looking much hotter if they put on a few and some seem like they'd look better if they hadn't gained. I don't really understand the people who seem to like any girl just because she's fat (not anyone on this board particularly, just people I have seen around the net). This also causes a problem with girls, having to decide between my sexual preferences. Not that I'm just picking a girl for her looks, but a physical attraction is important in a relationship as well.

Anyone else have some thoughts on this? I find these kinds of discussions very interesting.
13 years

Fas that like thin girls?

I know there are feedees on this site that are attracted to thinner people but I was curious if there were FAs that are also attracted to thin men and women as well.
13 years

How do you spot a fa?

Ikissedagirl wrote
If you go into a gay bar you'll see a lot of different coloured bandanas either tied around wrists or in back pockets. Supposedly each colour means something, I'm not sure what, but I've been told that's how they identify who is looking for what.

maybe FF should issue little plastic FF buttons for like a buck each?

Green for gainer
Blue for feeder
red for fa or ffa
yellow for stuffer
orange for etc etc etc

Then members of ff can circulate the color code for FF buttons and more and more people with commone interestes will learn about it.

It would take a long time, but it might be interesting to see how qwickly it would catch on.

I was actually about to suggest this when I saw the thread, lol. I think something more discreet would be better than a badge however, something that wouldn't draw unwanted attention from the haters haha. Something that if you knew what to look for it would be apparent but if not it wouldn't stand out to you. I'm going to keep thinking on this, but I would be seriously down to do it if we can work this out.

Also, why does dimensions hate us?
13 years

Sandwiches - wierd, wonderful, whatever works.

Got my mom a panini press for Christmas, and we used it the other day. Those sandwhiches were bomb as hell.
13 years

Rough sketch

FFAonDA wrote
keep sketching.

All right smiley
13 years

Being recognized!

I think it would be pretty cool to meet one of you guys in real life, FAT chance though (oh I crack myself up).
13 years