What do you like about gaining?

Same as others here. I love feeling my belly getting bigger with each bite and gulp I take. I love the feeling of being maxed out to the point of almost no return. Generally i just love playing with my belly fat. grabbing, squeezing, jiggling, smacking it, running my fingers through it almost like hair as my fat seeps through my fingers. Very much turns me on.

Well said also. Could not agree more. The above along with my previous comments on the first page is what is so nice about gaining and growing fat. Fat is just so sexually arousing.
7 years

When did you start gaining

I had always been heavy in grade school and high school but lost all my weight senior year. Stayed relatively normal through college but began gaining slowly but surely after getting married. It wasn't until I turned 37 years old that I started to steadily fatten up. I found myself getting more aroused the heavier I became and decided to let myself go completely and eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Over a 12 year period I gained 130 lbs., going from 175 lbs. to 305 lbs. I have slimmed down somewhat to 275 lbs. but plan on remaining fat for the rest of my life as I love to eat and have been an FA ever since I can remember.
7 years

Cow fantasies?

Would love to rp this fantasy. I am bad at so many things like diet etc but eating and getting milked so simple and yet so sexy. Its so wrong to have a hucow fantasy that just makes it more kinky.

I can't think of anything hotter than rp with a woman who wants to grow, be milked and turned into a hucow. It turns me on like crazy.
7 years

Stuffing as a turn on, on it's own?

It turns me on more to think about a man pigging out just because he wants to.

I love to stuff myself with rich fattening food or sit down to a totally sumptuous meal with all the courses, wine and dessert. Feeling my belly fully packed or what I call "pleasurably stuffed" just to the point of possible discomfort is totally arousing. To lay on the couch or in bed on my side with my belly spilling out and gently massaging my fat is so nice. Being on the verge of a food coma is so nice.
7 years

Weight gain goal for christmas

I love the holidays. All the cookies and cakes, parties with endless buffets, gifts of candy and other high calorie treats. I usually put on 10 lbs. between Thanksgiving and New Years Day, but I am up 12 lbs. already. May be a 15 to 20 lb. gain this holiday. Really looking forward to it.
7 years

Getting fat is so much fun

Finally Fat:
All the eating of food, thinking about food- how fattening it all is.

The delicious eating, filling oneself with something else tasty and fattening every few hours. What excess!

The sense of growth, feeling rolls swell and creases deepen as your fat swells.

And the fat. The lovely fat resting in one's hands- warm and new, never still. The fat is why getting fat is so much fun.

Could not have said it better myself. Exactly why I loved getting fat. Eating and growing is such a turn-on!
7 years

Fat women in traditional paintings?

I would agree that Peter Paul Rubens is a master painter of plump, sensuous women without peer. He is by far my favorite. He really celebrates the idea of fatter women being the epitome of good health and beauty. You can find them in any major art museum. If in NYC, visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art and in Chicago, the Art Institute. Or since you are overseas, check out their websites.
7 years

Quitting smoking and weight gain

While I have not been a smoker, I had a girlfriend a long time ago who gave up smoking and decided she was going to eat whatever she wanted so she would not be tempted to smoke again. She put on 25 more lbs. which really turned me on even more. Giving up smoking will be a lot better for your health even if you do gain weight. Good luck and keep us posted.
7 years

Why are you on ff??????

Its just nice knowing there are so many others that share my love of eating, gaining weight and growing fat. To be able to share perspectives, fantasies, and common turn-ons with the FA community is just great.
7 years

Fat at the mall - suggestions?

Malls are wonderful places to experience fat men and women in all their glory. And dining in the food court is a great place to watch beautiful overweight women stuff themselves with most fattening fast food around. I love to sit with a big meal in the food court and contently rub my huge belly as I eat. Moving from the food court to an ice cream shop afterwards and strolling through the mall with a large cone and swollen belly is always a pleasing experience.
7 years