Tv shows

game of thrones is good - yep


-Once upon a Time (kinda like lost, but with fairytale characters)
-True Blood
-Dexter (though if gore's not your thing, these two probably won't be either)
-The Ricky Gervais show (similarly,; Life's too Short and An Ideot Abroad)
-How I met your Mother
-The Big Bang Theory

then a few superhero cartoons - though I doubt that's your thing smiley
12 years

How many people still use msn?

I've got two - one for my main email and the second for this stuff (although now I've got it on trillian along with my skype and yahoo)
12 years

Sweaty piggies who sweat.

I prefer to call it a "persperation issue" than a "sweating problem" lol

just a better spin on it
12 years

Liquid calories

they say fruit juice has more calories thab alcohol... so I might as well be getting drunk smiley
12 years

Best type of video

plus - there's the upload limit
12 years