Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

Ariday wrote:
Neutral Good here. Anyone know of examples of Neutral Good people? smiley

Helps the law, breaks the law, focuses on Good regardless of focusing on doing things legally to help people as a noble cop or a knight might (Lawful Good), or viewing laws as generally getting in the way of helping people (Chaotic Good).

And if you're a Harry Potter fan, check out the link I added to the first post. smiley
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

lovely_plumper wrote:
AmicusCuriosus wrote:
Chaotic Neutral. I'm not totally opposed to this!

ditto although I have no clue what it means

Think Jack Sparrow. He's always a free spirit even though he does both good and quite dubious things. smiley He's just one example of a Chaotic Neutral character, anyway.
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

WitchyMcFottykins wrote:
I am starting to think it gives everyone the same answer smileysmiley

If that were the case, I wouldn't have gotten Lawful Good and Layla wouldn't have gotten Neutral. Don't worry about it. smiley Just a lot of Neutral Good people have done it so far. smiley

Edit: Also Amicus below me just got Chaotic Neutral too. smiley
12 years

Alignment quiz!- good/evil/etc

Just for a bit of fun, I found this particular quiz that's for a characters alignment, might be interesting to see what people get. smiley There are 9 alignments on two axes-

Quiz found here:

Lawful Good "Crusader" - Neutral Good "Benefactor" - Chaotic Good "Rebel"
Lawful Neutral "Judge" - Neutral "Undecided" - Chaotic Neutral "Free Spirit"
Lawful Evil "Dominator"- Neutral Evil "Malefactor" - Chaotic Evil "Destroyer"

The moral axis has three positions: good, neutral and evil. Good characters generally care about the welfare of others. Neutral people generally care about their own welfare. Evil people generally seek to harm the others' welfare (I'll add that at the least they can tend to be more selfish rather than harmful, mind).

The ethical axis has three positions as well: lawful, neutral, and chaotic. Lawful people generally follow the social rules as they understand them. Neutral people follow those rules find convenient or obviously necessary. And chaotic people seek to upset the social order and either institute change, or simply create anarchy.

Note: I'd recommend answering as if the neighbourhood you live in is a decent/pleasant one or it can throw off some of the questions.

So, might be fun to see what people get- and just remember, it's all in good fun and there's no shame in getting any of the answers. smiley Don't think of them as straitjackets either. I'd say most people in the world are probably Neutral (right in the middle) but we shall see.

Edit: It would also appear my alignment has shifted much further towards chaotic and become Chaotic Good instead. smiley

Edit: Harry Potter fans can check out this link showing someone's thoughts on the alignments of the characters from the series too smiley:

And due to popular (well, some) demand, I'm linking here to a lengthy quiz that also gives you stats, a fantasy race, and character class, for the bored/curious smiley:
12 years

List 5 fave comedy programes!

Black Books
Mr. Bean
The Chaser's War On Everything
The Big Bang Theory
12 years

Favourite thing on toast?

Mmm, Vegemite. It's good, though potent for those not used to it, sharp and savoury, though less intense than the British Marmite. Good to spread thinly with some butter and cheese.

There's also the new Vegemite Cheesybite variant which you can spread thickly, as it's milder and creamier thanks to the Kraft cream cheese mixed into it. I love them both. smiley

12 years

"i am not a bbw!"

I particularly enjoyed this post of yours, Molly:

Because if you too have these fetishes and preferences, why even bring it up as a point? The point isn’t the fetish the person has, but their lack of respect towards you.

This is all probably a big case of “What I meant, not what I said”. But your little piece of writing has 166+ notes from people who don’t seem to be able to parse how confusing it really reads, and are calling it “brilliant”. Take a cue from Brian: next time just call out the people who are being jerks for being jerks, and leave whether or not you and I have a preference or a fetish out of it.
12 years