Tips for aproaching single women

bah, this all sounds too hard, i'm giving up.
14 years

Tips for aproaching single women

softissexy wrote
Look em in the eyes than look at the pussy than look em back in the eyes, and deliver your line, subliminal messages rock. You have to let them know how you really feel lol that way you not automatically put in the friend category.smiley

o.O some how i don't think that will work...

Also, when i see a girl i like, i don't want to screw her, you know, leave that to later on in a relationship?
14 years

Tips for aproaching single women

FriesWithThatShake wrote
My problem is that I can talk to any girl; hot or not, with no problem... UNLESS I REALLY like them. That's when I start to over think. A lot of my friends at work or school always wonder why I'm hardly ever dating someone, and most of the time it's because I either screw up or don't even try.

If THEY initiate a conversation with me, then I'm perfectly fine, but it's very difficult to start a conversation with someone you like. My mind thinks of every possible scenario before I approach, and at the last minute, I have the dreaded "WHAT IF?" question.

The ONLY time I ever am great in conversation is once I'm out of a relationship or depressed, as odd as that sounds. I become apathetic about what anyone thinks about me and I just say and do whatever the hell I want. For instance, on Christmas eve last night, I started doing stand up for my coworkers (about 10 people) and ended up entertaining the bar (100 people) over the course of the night (since I am naturally VERY LOUD and use strong gestures). I use it as my upper and then feel down once it's over.


Forest wrote
I don't really know what the problem actually is to be honest... Is it my looks? My interests? Behaviour? Personality in general? Never had a girl flirt with me or say something which could be interpreted as interest... Or am I just bad at reading signals? These sort of doubts gnaw at my self confidence when I sit in solitude and ponder these sort of questions.

And Ditto

It is so comforting to know i'm not alone. The one conclusion i've come to from my experience is that i HATE my taste in girls. I always fall for the one EVERY other guy likes and wants to talk to, anyone seen "Something About Mary"? I always fall for Mary, and that ruins any chance from the start.

I wish i could just fall for someone who wasn't so beautiful and intelligent and funny and gorgeous, but then at the same time, i'm afraid i'm gonna end up settling for someone i don't like as much anyway...

Love Stinks!

14 years

Instant gaining issues!!!

Charlie Bucket wrote
to put on any serious poundage i would have to eat near on non stop, all day!!!:o and im not the 'biggest' fan of food!

Thats pretty much your answer and i know how you feel, don't worry though, if you are certain about your goal you will soon get used to the constant bloatedness and eating just for those glorious extra pounds!

14 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

missy1976 wrote
In real life, i get pissed off bec fat guys always think that they need to lose weight when in fact they r perfect as they are and the bigger the better!!!


This sounds like a guy complaining about girls!

Good to know the feeling is mutual

14 years