Unsuspecting fattening

From the Guide to FF:

- On another note, Secret Feeding/Fattening is something that is universally frowned upon in the community for being unethical, as it betrays another person's trust. Fantasizing about it is fine, as the 'FANTASY' part of Fantasy Feeder indicates, but doing it for real is another matter. No sneaking weight gain supplements/more fattening ingredients into anyone's food!
12 years

Sick of being lonely

The best advice I can give while trying to make yourself better is 'forget'. If you can't address the loneliness, forget it. Do some other kinds of activities and drown it out. There's other things one can do in one's life to pass the time. Letting it choke you won't achieve anything.

Put your hand in it's face, shove it out of the way and say "go away", and go watch a movie/play a game/read/etc. Ultimately, it's a battle that one doesn't have a choice but to fight and move on.
12 years

Best response ever!

I saw a similar one years ago, so I'll just add the same pic again smiley :

12 years


And he's been back! Another chatter told me about a disturbing fellow from Germany called fairdinkum who wanted to open a school for kids under 12 and fatten them up. Upon investigation of his email address, it linked to a Facebook named Tatjana Hanke, same surname as him, so it's him again! He told the chatter that he was married, so I'll bet he's used his wife's email. smiley

He's IP banned once more.

Profile: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/infusions/profiles/view.php
Email: halo.angel@web.de
Joined: 5 Aug 2011
Age: 111
Facebook: facebook.com/tatjana.hanke
12 years


Just bumping this for people, you can post about blogs other than Tumblr here too. smiley
12 years


I agree, someone commented to me how he used to hit on them all the time, whisper them creepy stuff and try to private chat with them, only to get mad that they'd rather talk to friends than take part in his fantasies.

Like that idiot JustWatchin (fellow who ranted about his penis not being allowed on display recently), he's just another nobody who doesn't participate in the community at all, only comes here to get his jollies, and thinks he's far more important than he really is.
12 years


Came into the room, made a bunch of grandiose statements about how FF isn't the site he wants it to be anymore, made hostile comments about admins on here (while ignoring Witchy's requests for him to stop), then left. Peculiar fellow.

Profile: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/infusions/profiles/view.php
Email: bradman201@aol.com
Joined: 19 Jul 2009
Age: 111

[19:18:47] fa4ssbbw has entered the room General
[19:18:49] ShyCanuck has entered the room General
[19:18:58] WitchyMcFottykins: or maybe it was twice
[19:19:25] Mike has left the room General
[19:19:28] ShyCanuck has left the room General
[19:19:59] Nateo has entered the room General
[19:20:00] HotMama73107 has entered the room General
[19:20:11] ScarletJ: *shrugs* i can actually legally grow one plant in my house for self consumption in my state
[19:20:24] Nateo: hotmama
[19:20:29] fa4ssbbw: Is this a real taboo sort of exclusive site, committed to the name under which it subscribes - or just another social internet medium?
[19:20:42] HotMama73107: yes?
[19:20:51] ScarletJ: stick around and you'll find out for yourself lol

[19:21:05] Nateo: i like your name
[19:21:09] WitchyMcFottykins: we don't have any medicinal laws so I can't, if I moved to Michigan next door different story
[19:21:11] HotMama73107: thanks
[19:21:50] MissCarousel has entered the room General
[19:21:59] stretchmarx1914 has entered the room General
[19:22:21] ScarletJ: i know funny how it is state to state, I don;t smoke but I'd like to grow for my friends
[19:22:21] wtfdoino has left the room General
[19:22:24] fa4ssbbw: I welcome your replys, and I also wonder where those committed to the once real and original people of our agenda and of our kind hang.
[19:22:31] thin2thik has entered the room General
[19:22:57] WitchyMcFottykins: ......now I am getting messages from guys in Italy
[19:23:07] jill67 has entered the room General
[19:23:11] HotMama73107: I like you biceps. LOL
[19:23:27] JustAnotherDavid: Maybe they found your rum in the Mediterranean. smiley
[19:23:54] ScarletJ: still getting messages from other guys... ha!
[19:23:57] WitchyMcFottykins: ahahahaha THAT is brilliant
[19:24:02] fa4ssbbw: Does it not bother you of us who are true to the reality of our nature and desire that this room has become a 'hangout' for those of us that this room was not specifically intended?
[19:24:04] growjoegrow has entered the room General
[19:24:09] Nateo: once real and origional ? is there a secret sect or something or was it better back in the day
[19:24:10] JustAnotherDavid: I do my best, O Witchy One.
[19:24:23] Skyed7 has left the room General
[19:24:31] WitchyMcFottykins: I get messages from other guys all the time, apparantly think I am cute or something
[19:24:45] biggerE has entered the room General
[19:24:47] Nateo: thankyou, i worked them today
[19:25:04] Saphiel Sir has entered the room General
[19:25:06] ScarletJ: well you could be mistaken for the opposite gender...
[19:25:07] calichub has left the room General
[19:25:14] ScarletJ: like I have happen to me
[19:25:14] HotMama73107: im sure you do everyday.
[19:25:37] Florin_Nightsea has entered the room General
[19:25:40] Nateo: no, not directly
[19:25:45] WitchyMcFottykins: with my tomboy geekiness that would not fully surprise me :\
[19:25:46] fa4ssbbw: Yes, back in the day. This is not the 'day' that I ever thought this room would become. So where do the focused people go these days? I would rather go there.
[19:26:17] fa4ssbbw: Real FF people. Real feedees and real fat admirers.

[19:26:20] JustAnotherDavid: I'd never mistake you for the opposite gender.
[19:26:36] Florin_Nightsea has left the room General
[19:26:45] biggerE has left the room General
[19:26:51] fa4ssbbw: This room has just become another social network, and the focus has been lost.
[19:26:52] Nateo: im not sure
[19:27:01] fa4ssbbw: What a shame.

[19:27:08] WitchyMcFottykins: well thank you
[19:27:17] harleyhardass: Love the tattoos
[19:27:20] JustAnotherDavid: Wow, someone's getting whiney.
[19:27:23] HotMama73107: thanks
[19:27:23] fa4ssbbw: And full of self serving admin people.
[19:27:51] Nateo: self serving administrative people

[19:27:59] HotMama73107: well idk why but I think biceps are hot. I think its the whole holding me tight thing.
[19:28:06] FeederDom: You mean like the way everyone left Dimensions and created this place and came here?
[19:28:07] fa4ssbbw: I don't think this site serves it's intended service anymore and should be reassigned.
[19:28:22] FeederDom: I know! Let's create a *new* site, and everyone can there...
[19:28:24] WitchyMcFottykins: whatever your problem is attacking the site and the admins is not the most productive

[19:28:26] chubbyzeldaprincess has left the room General
[19:28:36] hunmanuk has entered the room General
[19:28:47] hunmanuk has left the room General
[19:28:54] Nateo: yeah they are very much a show muscle. ya girls like being held
[19:28:57] FeederDom: Then it can become popular, and draw lots of people and need to have admins and serve the least-common-denominator...
[19:29:02] FeederDom: Wait, I know where this is going!
[19:29:09] Come_as_you_are: ur missing the point the key word is "fantasy"
[19:29:15] JustAnotherDavid: Unless his aim is to get banned so he can whine that he was banned...
[19:29:49] WitchyMcFottykins: I am well aware that is where he is heading

[19:29:51] FatBlue has left the room General
[19:30:08] JustAnotherDavid: It IS pretty obvious, isn't it? smiley
[19:30:14] fa4ssbbw: Perhaps someone should create an FF reality site, so as to weed out the snerks. yeah?
[19:30:35] WitchyMcFottykins: aye you would have to be incredibly stupid to not see the trolling

[19:30:36] FatBlue has entered the room General
[19:30:43] fa4ssbbw: are you capturing this - admin?
[19:31:09] MrMike has entered the room General
[19:31:09] WitchyMcFottykins: I am warning you now to stop
[19:31:29] JustAnotherDavid: (opens the door so fa4ssbbw doesn't hit it on his way out)
[19:31:44] ScarletJ: One would be WISE to stop before he get's ahead if you'd like to stay
[19:31:44] fa4ssbbw: Let the kids play here, and let the adults have a place to actually meet and engage.

[19:31:45] Twotonmike has left the room General
[19:32:02] Nateo: hes not being that rude
[19:32:08] hurtvonnegut has left the room General
[19:32:29] Gettingfatter has entered the room General
[19:32:33] WitchyMcFottykins: it is obvious trolling and it needs to stop
[19:32:42] hotbot1950 has entered the room General
[19:32:50] Hedonistic_Heather has entered the room General
[19:32:51] fa4ssbbw: It's ok, I'll contact admin, but thanks. You're immaturity is exactly what I am talking about. (to Witchy)
[19:32:56] JustAnotherDavid: If this place is so terrible, go ahead and leave. Bye-bye!
[19:33:10] MrMike: wow. bad timing?

[19:33:11] halleys has left the room General
[19:33:14] fa4ssbbw has left the room General
[19:33:15] halleys has entered the room General
[19:33:16] hotbot1950 has left the room General
[19:33:27] growjoegrow: Is it over?
[19:33:38] GluttonousGrant: I've saw the sorts of things he says, it seems to always be erection fuel.
[19:33:50] WitchyMcFottykins: *grumbles* idiots who don't realize they are talking to the admin
[19:34:05] JustAnotherDavid: I think he realized.
[19:34:25] ScarletJ: welll better to weed out the baka's

Also while looking through my notes, I discovered insults made by him back in December 2009 (he barely speaks openly, and this is no exception), which helps make his personality quite clear, hahaha. smiley

[14:47:51] shazzy: i dont know you
[14:50:36] fa4ssbbw has left the room General
[14:52:23] fa4ssbbw has entered the room General
[14:53:04] shazzy: no
[15:00:24] shazzy: I am not giving you my number I dont know you
[15:01:21] That British Guy: Easy Fella
[15:01:27] That British Guy: Chill
[15:02:16] That British Guy: Cyber threats are HILARIOUS!
[15:03:59] That British Guy: Look Fella, firstly dont whisper, if you got something to say then say it in front of everybody, secondly i just said chill, Shazzy said NO and last time i checked that meant NO?
[15:04:51] That British Guy: fa4ssbbw That British Guy: ***! you, mr. short penis
[15:04:58] That British Guy: Love it
[15:05:14] AliceInWonderland: HAHAHA
[15:05:19] MuddledLogic: i bet your e penis hurts right now, british guy :b
[15:05:31] That British Guy: fa4ssbbw That British Guy: what are you a ***ing lawyer?? wannabe? whimp? ***! you. stinking ***hole.
[15:05:58] AliceInWonderland: ^^ mr. short penis
[15:06:01] MuddledLogic: moar!
[15:06:20] That British Guy: Catchy huh
[15:06:28] AliceInWonderland: smiley
[15:06:30] MuddledLogic: mr. short penis. it's common to see that on lacquered plaques in front of mansions these days
[15:07:30] fa4ssbbw has left the room General
12 years


Seabear wrote:
Again, sorry to come off with such an edge, but I'm sure others have been or are in the situation i'm in now.

Indeed, it's a common complaint on here. smiley I even added a note to the "Getting Started/Guide to FF" sticky before to help address it:

- On messaging/contacting someone, people can often prefer it when you put a bit more thought into the message that you write rather than simply asking "what brings you to FF?". Reading their dating ad first to find out such things instead of asking this question for example, is an excellent idea and can show to them that you have a proper interest in them.

If I were you, I'd also add that you're only interested in women in the "About Me" part of your profile- it'll help cut their messages down since they have no choice but to view your main profile to message you in the first place, hahaha. smiley
12 years