Women showing off belly in public

MissNevada wrote
dpbblover wrote
WOW! Well, I find the way you accidentally let your shirt ride up to expose some chub very interesting. You would definitely get a turn of the head by me. Do you ever have any admirers? I like the idea of you muffin top and love handles jiggling as you walk....very sexy. Has your bellybutton gotten deeper/wider since you started you gain? When you come out of the FA closet you should consider actually flaunting your sexy soft belly. I am sure there are a lot of fun things you can do : )

Haha. Thank you, very much. :]
Online admirers? Yes.
Since joining FF, I've chatted with a few guys who are very encouraging and VERY convincing. Hahaha.
Of course I'm gaining weight for myself, but having the rather enthusiastic support is fantastic.
However, in person? No, due to the fact that this part of my life is very private.
Though, considering I've never actually MET an FA, I'd probably be beyond excited to come across one by chance.

And yes, actually. I have noticed that.
Since most of the fat on my belly is padded around my lower stomach, my belly button has seemed to get wider and deeper.
It's a lot more noticable through my tighter shirts when they DO cover that portion of my stomach, at least. Haha.

I think showing off a rounder, softer midriff is so appealing BECAUSE thinner women have made it so popular. Aside from the obvious reasons - you not only get to see her round, fat belly spilling out of her clothes in a cute AND sexy display, but you also get to see the bounce that comes along with the walk.
But even aside from that, it's society's belief that only thin women can pull off shirts that expose various amounts of their hips and stomach.
Not only that, but this is a very popular trend among the female celebrities in hollywood.
BECAUSE of this being the typical place where we see such exposure, I think fat and chubby women partaking in this makes it twice as sexy.
I think part of the excitement of weight gain, aside from the main fact that it looks and feels gorgeous, is the fact that in the general view, we're "not supposed to," if you will. It's considered so wrong on a societal level(for reasons which I don't understand), yet it feels so right.
Point being, when a rounder woman allows her softer belly to jiggle freely, it's a sexy display with a forbidden hint to it that excites us.
So, to address your comment, if I ever did get bigger, or reached a point in my life where I wanted to be public with this part of me, I think flaunting it every time I left the house would be a LOT of fun. Haha.

Wow, i think you have won even more fans with this post, certainly gonna be many on here who agree 100% on wat you said smiley
14 years

Are you bi curious but haven't tried it yet?

Growing up catholic when it was generaly frowned upon i was pretty homophobic due to my family and society.

As i got into puberty i started worrying that fantasizing about myself being fat meant i was gay, so i began imposing my fantasies on girls.

Through out high school i'd have the usual thoughts and stuff every guy seems to have of seeing how another guy can be attractive. Of course i buried these and ignored them, as most do, but outside from the general "he looks cool" i had no further interest.

As puberty developed and i started becoming sexually aware i was drawn to girls and thier bodies, i had no interest in a guy, they just didn't have the same sex appeal as girls.

As i reached the end of high school, i started to doubt myself because i was so shy and had such a hard time tlkn to girls, i started to think maybe it would be easier if i was gay.

I ended up exploring the idea in my mind for a while and came to the conclusion that while i could like a guy in almsot every way i like a girl, I have 0 sexual attraction to them, sure i can see some are hot, or cute but i have no desire to be intimate with them, closest would be a hug and maybe exploring some of the sexy flab around here with my hands ^^.

At the end of the day, I see myself as straight, because women are what i truly desire. However if sex was taken out of a relationship i supose i would be Bi.

lol i know complex, but we are all unique! smiley
14 years

Is anyone not trying to gain?

strataadvance wrote
luvthatgut wrote
I'm def not trying to gain. I love fat on other people but not on me.

That said, I have gained since discovering this website.... what's up with that??!

You would surely not be the First. It seems to happen to quite few members here. I'm really enjoying your participation . You have a unique and interesting story.smiley

Tis the curse (or blessing depending on the way you look at it) of Fantasy Feeder!

I'd be more surprised to find someone be on here for a while and NOT gain weight, wether they want to or not.

14 years

Age checking


Thanks Ruby, I actually do this for my job, respond to emails in customer service from customers so i know a bit about format and wording smiley
14 years

Age checking

Thanks for the help all below is my response for our records in case he comes to someone else next:

Hey Jake,

I have discussed your matter over with the other Mods and we have come to the conclusion that:

*If there is reason to believe that members are underage they are required to show proof of age because this is an adult content site as stated in the Community Guidelines: "Adults only
You must be 18 years or older to use this website - without exception."

*Vouching is not an acceptable method of verifying a users age as it can be exploited by friends.

*Our records show that she was informed via PM a while ago that she was believed to be underage and would be required to verify her age to continue using the site. As we did not recieve a response from her in the required time frame, her account was suspended.

As such there is not much more I can do for you, if your GF can provide valid proof of her age being over 18 we will be able to reinstate her account.

More information on Age Validation can be found in the link below:




Just sent it now 8:15am DST 7/12/09
14 years