Where do they go?

It's most likely that they've deleted their accounts, bans usually leave their name still there. smiley
13 years

What do you want right now?

Maximum wrote:
edit wrote:
A grilfriend

I'll take one of those too if someones giving them out. smiley

Add me to that too...
13 years


Helps keep much of the site free even if it does end up being pointless for them, hahaha. smiley
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

FlowerGoddess wrote:
I've never tried the chats on here. Are they easy to use and fun? This was actually my first forum post, I'm glad to see so many have such great views on the subject! I'm being serious when I say I'm really taking everyones advice and opinions into consideration for my search. Especially the part about not giving up! I've had some encounters on here just in the past week which have made me think about quitting lol, but I refuse to do so smiley

The chat here is fairly easy to use and fun, yup. smiley Some hours are noisier than others though, so if you want some more noise/quiet time, try at another hour if the current one isn't working out, haha.
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

Maximum wrote:
Can I just say, for like the thousandth time lol, that anyone, man or woman, who encounters someone on this site who is rude or disrespectful, could you PLEASE inform the mods.

The more people who do this rather then just ignore it, will mean we'll be better able to pinpoint the worst offenders and remove them from our happy little community. smiley

QFT. It'll also give you the satisfaction of knowing they'll dealt with- what's not to love? smiley
13 years

What do you want right now?

Something else back... and joy.
13 years

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday. smiley
13 years

What ever happened to jessicuh

This is a topic that keeps popping up repeatedly, lol. smiley Refer to these for answers:

What happened to The Duchess jessica: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/forum/view-thread.php

What happened to duchessbbw?: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/forum/view-thread.php

Jessica gainer?: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/forum/view-thread.php

Jessica the Duchess: fantasyfeeder.com/cms/forum/view-thread.php
13 years

Guessing game

Locking this.
13 years