Age checking

Hey all received the following PM from BBW Hunter:

From BBW Hunter
Date December 05 2009 23:00:52
Subject Wondering if you can help
Hey Mate,

I wasnt sure who to speak to about this...

My GF "Tubby" has had her account suspended i think because its believed that she is not of age. I can personally vouch for her age, but im wondering who i need to speak to about this?

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.


I see on the list above her MySpace stated she was 17 am I allowed to tell him that?

Obviously with the evidence we have they need to do some work and him "vouching" for her won't cut it, but i just wanted to check with u all how to corectly respond to this before i did.


14 years

Feeding more than a fetish?

FriesWithThatShake wrote
Feeding doesn't necessarily mean gaining though. Yes, with time and constant feeding weight gain does occur, and it is a turn on, but that's not what I like the most. What I love is the then and there; when I'm with the person feeding them. I wanted a relationship, but she did not. Feeding wasn't the reason why I wanted to either. I was told I was one of the best, and I think the only reason why was because I really really liked her, and still do. Unfortunately it just couldn't work.

After that realization, I actually didn't want to feed anymore. Only now am I really starting to get back into it. Can't let the past hold you back from your future, right? I just think that feeding is the most sincere way of saying "I really care about you", and once you find someone you DO care about, feeding them becomes amazing.

That's what I'm trying to get at, at least.

14 years

Tummy rubbing and adoration

Bella wrote
Anyone have a problem with this kind of thing on account of being ticklish? Or is it just me? Can you sort of train yourself to be less ticklish? ...I'm very sensitive that way...

Sounds adorable and like even more of an excuse to do it, but i know where you are coming from, i find tickling quite aggrovating...
14 years

Feeding more than a fetish?

Sounds like my kind of feeding!

14 years

The pledge that changed my life

AskDrFeeder wrote
It's funny because when I wrote it I had no idea it would actually work! smiley

Oh it does work, I have it saved to my computer! ^^
14 years

The pledge that changed my life

Another great gift from Dr Feeder
14 years

How do you feel about bdsm?

I'm honestly not into BDSM in the slightest, sure i'd muck around with it if the girl i was with was keen on it but short of that i have no interest.

Yet i love feederism, i don't see it as a power exchange, and where it becomes one i kind of lose interest.

Feederism is about the joy of food and mass consumption, the side effects and beautiful fatness, it is all incredibly erotic and i find it even more so when it is mutualy shared between two people.

Just being a straight one person feeder and one person feedee relationship seems rather boring too me...
14 years

Calorie counting

Mr Bill wrote
I kind of theorize that if I ate 10,000 calories a day, it'd have pretty much the same effect as eating 50,000 calories a day (if possible). I think everyone has a magic number of how many calories they can process. It'd be nice to know what mine is, honestly.

I count calories like a madman.

I was 127 pounds for 10 years, (age 16 to 26). Over that period of time, I tried to gain numerous ways.

In high school I pigged out everyday when I got home from school. I ate a lot of meatballs (frozen ones we always seemed to have), then pigged out on ice cream, then chugged milk til my stomach was tight. I never gained an ounce.

In college, I did all my homework in the cafeteria, taking my time and constantly snacking. I gained a few pounds, but immediately lost it whenever there was a break in classes.

Out of college, I would order pizza a lot, eat an entire pizza for dinner, and even drink a 2Liter soda with it, despite it not being my top choice. I'd by high calorie frozen dinners, pig out whenever I could. My weight remained steady at 127. It'd spike up to 129 once in a while, then fall back to 127.

Last summer (2008), I got hit with a flu. I didn't pay much attention to my weight during that time. After I recovered, I noticed I looked thinner in the mirror. Like, I could see extra bones, and my face just looked gaunt. I stepped on the scale and weighed 114. I was mortified and absolutely pi$$ed at the same time.

I declared war on my metabolism. I spent the next two months eating at every opportunity. I started religiously eating bagels smothered with egg and cheese for breakfast, four slices of pizza for lunch, I'd stop at Wendy's and Burger King on the way home everyday... then I'd go home, cook some pasta, making sure to use olive oil. Before bed, I'd have a huge bowl of ice cream. I managed to get my weight up to 132, and kept it between 127 and 132 for a year.

It was pretty much a back and forth battle still. If I "slacked off" at all, I'd shed those extra few pounds almost instantly.

In August, I got tired of bouncing down to 127, so I declared war again, and this time I made it more extreme. I repeated much of the same acts as last year (mixing it up, obviously... but cutdown on the fast food). This time, I tried adding Half and Half, and it did wonders (a quart a night 3-5 nights a week; 1280 calories a quart)... and I've also started drinking Ensure Plus (usually 3 a night, recently, I can sometimes drink all six).

The effects have been huge, as I've gone from the mid 130s to the mid 150s in that time. I kind of want to take a break from this, especially since it can be expensive. I also want to "adjust" to this weight a bit. Still, I'm kind of afraid that if I stop for two weeks, I'll suddenly be back at 130ish.

My biggest concerns going forward in either direction are losing the weight I gained (I want to at least maintain this weight), or if I gain the fat will start being distributed where I don't want it.

As I gain, I do get mad at it sometimes. Today I noticed more "neck/chin" fat... it's not a double chin, but there's a roll there if I lower my chin to my chest... I'm kinda like "NO, STOP GOING THERE, MY NECK IS FAT ENOUGH..." My butt has gotten kinda big, my thighs along with it... I have the neck and face of someone who is 50-100 pounds heavier than me... I'm starting to get a gut, and my chest has a little more fat to it, but not a lot... my arms are the same. I think I need some back fat and more on the love handles, to balance things out.

Wow, I went off topic. Too many cookies I think...

I'm glad to know other people share my problems, the hardest thing about gaining weight for me is losing it again, keep it up mate!
14 years