Calorie counting

SynecdocheSam wrote
One useful measure that not too many people consider is calorie density. If a food has more calories per gram, you're going to be able to eat more of it to get the same calories as from something with fewer.

This chart is a good visualization of this.

Also, various web pages exist for the purpose of calculating your 'Basal Metabolic Rate'. (This is one of them: The BMR is how many calories you expend every day without even trying. Now, how many calories you expend besides that typically ranges from 20% of the BMR (if your primary form of exercise is eating) and 90% of the BMR (if you run a marathon daily). So, your daily calorie use is somewhere between 1.2 and 1.9 times your BMR, and that's your call on where exactly that falls. If you're especially muscular, go a bit higher on that range than you might think, and if you're especially fat, go a bit lower.

Now, one pound of fat is about 3500 calories. So, the natural conclusion to draw here is that, for every 500 calories you eat daily that exceeds what you use, you will gain one pound per week. However, the body's energy efficiency is about 70%, so that number is probably more like 700 calories. Of course, neither does this factor in all the fanatical adjustments one's metabolism is prone to making when one alters the amount of food entering the system. Also, a digestive system accustomed to eating 2000 calories per day won't be able to process a sudden influx of 5000 calories in a day, and that is a good way to make an enemy of your digestive system.

I guess I had a lot to say on this topic. Apologies to the bored.

No need to apologise that helps alot, thanks!

14 years

Calorie counting

bettiebebop wrote
Maximum wrote
A little advice for an amatur?

How does one count calories? lol

I mean i know i check the label but i want some guidelines, like wat is the average consumed by a normal person or recommended, minimum if there is and at what amount per day does it start to seriously add to weight gain?

Any sites you've got would be helpful too, i'm eating alot of fatty foods but i want to know just how fatty they are and how much of a fatty they are going to make out of me!


Try, it has Aussie foods but if not you can just add in the foods nutritionl info yourself. Handy site.

then make your diary public so I can snoop! Haha.

Cool, thanks, now why would you want to snoop on my diary? smiley
14 years

Pop the pig.


I saw this advertised on tv last week, deffinetly caught my eye...

14 years

Calorie counting

A little advice for an amatur?

How does one count calories? lol

I mean i know i check the label but i want some guidelines, like wat is the average consumed by a normal person or recommended, minimum if there is and at what amount per day does it start to seriously add to weight gain?

Any sites you've got would be helpful too, i'm eating alot of fatty foods but i want to know just how fatty they are and how much of a fatty they are going to make out of me!

14 years

Feeders gaining weight?

thexaulted wrote
Yes definitely! I have always been a feeder, most of the time in the closet but 8 or 9 months ago I just flat out admitted it to my wife. I am always feeding her, taking her out to eat or cooking something for her. Naturally she doesn't like eating alone so it seems that I am eating a lot with her and have definitely put on weight. Here's where it gets different, as it is obvious that I have been putting on weight while feeding her she started telling me how much she likes to see big guys eat a lot and she encourages me to eat and get fatter. Tables turned a little bit on me? Does she really like big men? I don't really mind as long as I can feed her, I just tell her that she is being fattened for me. Anyway I think I may have uncovered a closed, feeder, mutual gainer or something in her!

Awesome story, those sort of things are like fairy tales, finding out someone you love is into something you desire.

14 years

What would you rather when feeding your feedee?

I don't think your getting many comments because this thread has been done a few times before, see below:

My personal fave:

A more catagorical alternative:


14 years