Whats your goal?

ultimately 300lbs

for now 150lbs

then hopefully 200lbs

lol kind of a big change doubling my size so i have to take it slowly in stages

14 years

Would anyone like a "how to stuff yourself...or your partner" guide?

kaptn03 wrote
I think this would be awesome!

Agreed, I would love a copy of this!
14 years

Not sure what to do

Depends what you want, you could leave here, and constantly fight these feelings, continue to repress them and suffer the pain and guilt that comes with it.

Or like me, you can hang around here a bit, enjoy it as a little guilty pleasure, then once you know more about the world and feel you've explored it enough you can decide if it is really for you.

I was in your position several months ago, i'm now happily gaining, and i've never felt better.

Good Luck


14 years


Yeah its pretty big here in Australia, it actually comes in packs just for eating, not even spreading on stuff lol.

I'm not a fan though after eating some on buttered bread, butter and nutella do NOT mix...
14 years