Am i the only one?

Jexxx wrote
i remember that i use to hug my mom and i said her "you are so soft" smiley
but i don't know if that means something about beeing FFA smiley

I know what you mean, my mum has always been bigger and struggled with her weight going back and forth, i'd always hate it when she'd get skinny.

Once when she was complaining about being fat i hugged her and said "no your not, you're cuddly" it was an impulse comment at the time and i was only 7 or so but looking back i remember being confused how kids with skinny mums could get the same feeling from hugging them, lol
14 years

Want to gain weight ?

Tracii wrote
Now that is an awesome belly.Love it!!!!

Indeed, how kind of her to give away her secrets to obtaining such beauty!

14 years

More feedees, colder areas?

I know i'd feel more comfortable fattening up in a colder area, these aussie summers can be a killer with the heat...
14 years

Interesting confession

I'm going to do a pre-emptive strike here:

Please be respectful of others opinions, we are all different and unique, that's what makes humans interesting, and it is perfectally acceptable to voice your opinion, however, don't go out of your way to force your opinion on others or make someone feel bad about themselves because of their opinion...

Now please continue on with this thread as normal


14 years

Interesting confession

Very interesting and very well said.
14 years

Confessions pt. 2

JustinNasty wrote
My confessions:

Im pretty much a big phony. I put up a hard ass front, even though I love people and feel super lonesome 80% of the time... and I try to act like Im confident even though I think im ridiculously skinny :\

lol i don't want to sound mean here or anything but that is awesome.

Seriously, you are the kinda looking guy girls seem to love, ripped, tough, confident, the kinda guy which makes guys like me think i got no chance, to know you're as insecure as i am is actually quite comforting.

lol damn, i think i did sound mean...

Seriously though, as TheFantasyFeeder once put it "You're a good lookin' dude (no homo)"


And he ain't so bad himself...

14 years