Conscious thought.

JustinNasty wrote:
Just the overall attitude of the thread lol

I HOPE it doesnt! I hope it stays calm and nice but this topic just has a tone that makes that hard I think.

Admin Mode: Precisely. As such, just a reminder to people to keep it civil in this topic, thanks. smiley
13 years


I haven't gotten to play it yet myself, but there's been a few people in chat that have mentioned playing it. smiley
13 years


There's a big topic on it here too actually, so you know. smiley:
13 years

Struggles as an fa athlete

You're an athlete that wants help to find a bigger woman? Put up some photos, add more details to your dating ad, try talking to women on the site more, get more involved on the forums, be relaxed, try and get more confidence, be welcoming and be yourself. Googling for some general dating advice can help too.

Topic locked.
13 years

2012, end of the world?

canadianenglish wrote:
We're experiencing a period of heightened seismic activity, anyone with even a basic understanding of tectonics knows that the Earths crust is made up of plates constantly shifting and grinding against one another. When one earthquake such as Indonesia happens it is not uncommon for another to follow shortly after, as in Japan (7 years is little to nothing in geological terms). Between 1950 and 1965 Earth experienced 7 quakes registering between 8.5-9.5 on the Moment Magnitude scale.

It just so happens the recent span of earthquakes in Haiti, Italy, Iran, Japan, Indonesia etc. happen to have hit heavily populated areas at a time of unprecedented climactic activity.

One geologist noted that both New Zealand and Japan were on the Pacific Ring of Fire(, which makes me wonder if any more quakes will happen along the ring... could explain all the dead fish of late around, maybe. Though I'm not sure why a lot of birds are being found dead lately.
13 years

Deep fried bacon

Hazelnut nougat with pork crackling bits coated in dark chocolate. smiley

13 years

Secret hand shake

There may well be a pin for that, possibly:
13 years

Painfully fake

Admin Mode: Just a reminder for people to remain civil to each other, thanks. smiley
13 years

Self hating fat people!!!

Because it's liable to incite flaming and arguments. Thread locked.
13 years